How to get onto Vedeena (10 Jul 2017)
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    Default How to get onto Vedeena (10 Jul 2017)

    The NST is changing the way you download connect to the test server.

    The old launcher has been showing it's age for a long time. It was designed when 56k modems were "state of the art" equipment, and as many of you know it's very slow to download patches.

    We have a new experimental launcher which will become the way you connect to Neocron. In the mean time here is how to get onto the test server using the new launcher.

    The new launcher self-updates every time you start it, so don't be surprised if the launcher suddenly changes.

    To use the new launcher requires Windows 7 SP1 minimum.

    1. Download the new launcher setup from
    2. Run the installer - this will install the launcher, DirectX VC++2013 Runtimes and .NET 4.6.2 which are all required to run Neocron. DO NOT install it into your existing Neocron path.
    3. Start the launcher - and login with your Neocron account username and password.
    4. Install the test server - In the bottom left you will see a dropdown box - Select "Neocron Evolution 2.3 - Test Server" and click on the + button.
    5. Select a directory to install the Test Server.
    6. The launcher will install the required files for the test server/
    7. Once downloaded, select the "Neocron Evolution 2.3 - Test Server" icon on the left and click the "Play" button.

    As stated earlier in the thread, the new launcher is experimental and should be considered a alpha/beta release. The code that handles the downloading/updating of the client is very stable and has been used extensively internally by the NST for years.

    The parts that are still a work in progress is the launcher UI - so we welcome any constructive feedback in this thread.

    Steps to transfer your retail char:

    Head to our character transfer page and follow the instruction there.

    Steps to install the PTS-Client:

    1. Click on the dropdown
    2. Select "Neocron Evolution 2.3 - Test Server"

    3. Click on Install

    4. Choose a file location.
    5. Wait for the client to download and install.

    5. Select the installed client
    6. Click on "Play"
    7. Go and test Neocron!
    Last edited by Bifrost; 16-05-18 at 01:12. Reason: Update link to later launcher installer build
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