To me, a rare implant should be a good deal better than the ones you can just buy for 50k, otherwise what would be the use in getting it? I don´t see much reason for people to go to MC5 or farm L parts unless it actually makes a noticable improvement on their character. I´m not talking crazy advantage, but a few % damage and aim extra would suit me fine. Of course you should be able to make setups without them. Luckily we play a FPS game here, so no matter how much you boost your dude, aim still conquers all (with some exceptions).

By the way, I saw Zoltan wants to make rares more rare than they are. Combining that with making rare implants worse sounds like a truly horrible idea.

A few points extra in hacking doesn´t mean your char gets better by any noticable degree, it just frees up a few points for weapon lore.