Thread: Forum Amnesty

  1. #1
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    Default Forum Amnesty

    This needs to be said now because it is getting out of hand. It needs to be said in public so that there is no ambiguity and no he said she said bollocks involved.

    The flame wars and the personal attacks need to stop.

    Nobody wants to get their forum account banned, even temporarily.

    We are all adults here. We should all be capable of behaving like it. Lots of people have made comments that other people do not like and then those people had friends who naturally wanted to support their side and at the end of the day all it leads to is the death of good discussion.

    This game is about fighting, pvp based for many of us and about clans. I get that. There is loyalty to ones clan and therefore the friends you make in that clan. The fighting happens in game and it gets heated some days absolutely. Nothing wrong with that. But seriously now, does that bullshit need to spill over into the forum?

    Can you separate yourself from that for a few minutes to come here and calm down and enter into a constructive discussion about what is good for the game as whole? It doesnt matter what one clan does this week because due to the shifting nature of nc they might not be here next week. Look at all the forum sigs here. All the big clans that have come and gone in this game. Its the way it goes. They come and they go. While they are here they should be a benefit to the game, not a blight on it.

    Can we leave our clan loyalties to one side and discuss posts without the flaming of the person behind them? Can we take a step back from in game politics and actually think how much better (or in some cases worse) the suggestions given in each thread would be and could we resist the urge to cross-post/flame/further some other agenda just because we dislike a given poster.

    Does anyone remember the old adage posted around these forums "attack the post - not the poster"?

    I am more than happy to apologise for my part in the shit flinging. I have said some things on purpose which I know other people wouldnt like. I am not going to go into specifics or mention names of players/clans/quotes. That's not the issue.

    I am opinionated, yep.

    I am loyal to my friends, yep.

    I can look at the bigger picture and I am not afraid to say things that I know will be unpopular, yep.

    I dont give a shit in all honesty what other people think if they can only respond with bs and flaming. I just turn off and tune out in most cases.

    However if people can engage with well thought out posts and reasoning to back up their points I will be easily as respectful to them and helpful as I am to everyone else.

    I am not my post count. I am the man behind it.

    I have been a dick at times and I can admit it. I will say sorry here and now for doing so. I will do it because I appreciate having this forum and having a volunteer team who does listen to us on occasion and implements some of our ideas and I will do it, because it is the right thing to do.

    The fighting and shit talking can stay in game. Its not NC without it, but please can we leave it off the forums. Here we are adults, in game we can be children, assholes or a mixture of both if that makes us better roleplayers but not here eh?

    Peace guys


    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  2. #2


    Dude do you even play nc?

  3. #3
    The REAL Walker
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    BTW Will, I do support the ideas and such, that I agree with. I dont care who writes them.
    If they are absurd and without reason, I do not support them however...

    I do agree that this kindergarten bullshit needs to stop though.
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  4. #4
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    Mike please. Don't derail the thread.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by MayhemMichael View Post
    Dude do you even play nc?
    Where's the like/upvote button on this forum?

    Quote Originally Posted by William Antrim View Post

    I can look at the bigger picture and I am not afraid to say things that I know will be unpopular, yep.

    I dont give a shit in all honesty what other people think if they can only respond with bs and flaming. I just turn off and tune out in most cases.
    Will, I am all for your post, but tuning someone out because you don't agree with them is no way to rebuttal on a forum.
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  6. #6


    Everytime I post on the forums it gets deleted 5 mins later...I don't see what the problem is. Here's an idea, stop posting on the forums and play the game =)

    <3 Tino

  7. #7


    William Ant, 2014: "I just turn off and tune out in most cases."
    [Edited - It's still Spam]
    Last edited by Bifrost; 20-03-14 at 20:31. Reason: Reposting Spam

  8. #8
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunshifty View Post
    Will, I am all for your post, but tuning someone out because you don't agree with them is no way to rebuttal on a forum.
    Its not rebuttal. If its bs it doesnt need rebuttal. Thats the entire point. If someone just flames/posts shit and you reply then normally all youre doing is fuelling the fire. If the person is trolling then they have got you replying which is what they want.

    If you ignore them then its for the best. It takes a lot for someone to do that when someone else is clearly pushing their buttons and I know I am guilty of succumbing to it but lets be fair. Life is far too short to argue on the internet. Half the people who argue/troll on the internet wouldnt do it in real life and the other half are probably just deranged.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  9. #9
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueRobot View Post
    William Ant, 2014: "I just turn off and tune out in most cases."
    [Edited - It's still Spam]
    this is the kind of post I am talking about, no point in replying. It is just a waste of brain cells. Best to just tune out the trolls because they then they dont get a rise out of you and will move on to the next person. It does no good for anyone.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  10. #10


    I leave the S talk and complaining for OOC, usually try to utilize for arranging event or something. My first question was serious. We must play different times.

  11. #11
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    We do yes. My average game time is around 6am for you or later on even. I dont tend to bother talking shit in game, if people bring it I just ask em to fight. Im not interested in making friends in nc. There are too few people playing now to bother making friends with em all. I would run out of targets.

    However the forum is a place to leave all that behind if possible. For most this is a legitimate and simple thing to do. For some small minded individuals it appears even now to be impossible. I pity those people. It is a shame the rage cant subside but hey, who am I to argue. Just gives me a few more people to shoot.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by William Antrim View Post
    For some small minded individuals it appears even now to be impossible. I pity those people. It is a shame the rage cant subside but hey, who am I to argue. Just gives me a few more people to shoot.

    Good idea William, yet you started being negative on the first page of the thread. Seems the good intentions only lasted so long. Seems there is still no reason to be in a discussion with you.

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  13. #13
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    Nothing wrong with being negative. No law against that my friend.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by William Antrim View Post
    Mike please. Don't derail the thread.
    Leave the moderation to the NST, thanks. There's a report post button if you consider something to be against the forum rules.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dropout View Post
    I do agree that this kindergarten bullshit needs to stop though.
    Yes, yes it does.

    Quote Originally Posted by William Antrim View Post
    this is the kind of post I am talking about, no point in replying. It is just a waste of brain cells. Best to just tune out the trolls because they then they dont get a rise out of you and will move on to the next person. It does no good for anyone.
    Posting about how to deal with trolls is just as nonconstructive as responding or rising to them. Again, there is a report post button. It's there for a reason if you feel something is against the forum rules. If everyone were to abide by the forum rules, we'd not need to step in very often and can use our time for useful things.

    Now, back to the topic at hand.

    It's very simple. Follow the forum rules and keep the clan rivalry on the battlefield. If you must waggle your e-peen around, do it on the OOC channel in game (within the rules of conduct).

    This topic wasn't going to get very far to begin with, as such, thread closed. Can we get back to talking about the game now. Thanks.
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