Quote Originally Posted by Faid View Post
This is no compromise it's an outright exploit against LE'd vehicles. UN-LE'd people can shoot and destroy something that cannot shoot or destroy them back. It's an exploit and it will be abused as an exploit. This is a horrible idea and it's only going to screw things up way more than they already are.

If the Devs cannot see the problem with this change then I fear we are in for more trouble than we know. I guess it's back to typical KK behaviour. sigh
Wastelands = Dangerous place non Le'd players can be killed by other players non Le'd cant so wheres the danger for Le'd players apart from mobs???? If a non le'd person is griefing in a zone they can be killed them as you farm but you cant do that to someone with an LE so they should have some sort of downside end of LE'd players should not have a complete shield around them at all times.

Plus most tanks rolling about are all double logged fools, and sorry to say but its probably easier to farm with a normal car and a weapon since my Rav and Creed both out dmg a rhino... plus the fact Le'd players consistantly block loot on Doomreapers Grim chasers and Grim percy's, I have many a screenshot as I have had this done to me alot! 2 times yesterday and attempted 3 other times infact.

If you want to solve the issue with expensive vehicles simply give a respawn count depending on the cost of the vehicles IE bike has max 3 spawns a tank has max 6 spawns ie it can be repaired at depo after being destroyed 5 times the 6th time it will be lost completely.