1. #61
    Registered User Dissenter's Avatar
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    Interesting point on removing it from drones. I wasn't aware of the Le contributing to their AoE damage, that makes sense.

    Another thing I was surprised by is how when they run out of ammo or health, you just drop them and relaunch. Hey presto. No cloning or buying ammo, pretty big advantage to conventional weapons!

  2. #62


    This thread being about AOE rifles, I don't see where this removing AOE drones came to topic.

    What we want is ADDITIONAL ways of using AOE on mobs using spies, not a trade-off, not a nerf.

    Apart from the occasional PVP Kami drone, the only thing viable about droners are AOE drones and farming mobs. Remove the AOE and the class is completely useless.

    Besides I that most of the people promoting a droner nerf are just bitter players. Bittered by the fact they can't seem to level as fast as their droners couterpart while using single-target rifles and pistols. Now that they are halfway trough leveling, they don't wanna LOM back to droners and are just stuck at lv 70ish DEX and INT and all they can do about it is cry for droner nerfs on the forums.
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  3. #63


    sounds like they should make lvling even easier not harder, for non aoe users... although im sure it would be exploitable

  4. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by Dissenter View Post
    Interesting point on removing it from drones. I wasn't aware of the Le contributing to their AoE damage, that makes sense.

    Another thing I was surprised by is how when they run out of ammo or health, you just drop them and relaunch. Hey presto. No cloning or buying ammo, pretty big advantage to conventional weapons!
    Thats not really an advantage, the drone loses around 7% condition each time you drop it and if your body is far from the drone, you have to fly it all the way back or drop it and run to it, otherwise you lose the drone.
    The result of this is, someone using a gun or psi along with just a little bit of recycling skill can stay in their levelling spot indefinitely, while a droner would have to have up to 115 repair for the highest level drone to do that.

    You'd need 102 repair skill and a repair glove, thats 185 dexterity skill points that you could of spent on your combat skills or agility. Recycling on the other hand only takes around 50 for high TL ammos.

  5. #65
    Registered User Dissenter's Avatar
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    Fair point, I guess most people will carry a few drones just in case.

    Kame, relax mate, I'm not for a nerf I'm just making observations. As for feeling bitter, I save that for very rare occasions in the real world I'm not too bothered droners level faster, infact I just made a droner if you read the thread, I've never played as one in the entire 10 years of NC so some of these point are new to me is all. I know forums and comments are full of corrosive people, but my comments are by no means 'OMG NERF WTF' are they?.... I agree with you that additional AoE is needed for Rifle users and I've made some fairly valid suggestions.

  6. #66
    Bitter Old Fart Dribble Joy's Avatar
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    The issue is how much easier it is to 'play the system' (if you know what I mean) with a droner than any other AoE capable class. Fix the drones and we wouldn't have as much of a problem with them as we do now.

  7. #67
    Hand me a gun and ask me again zii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dropout View Post
    Would be nice if rifle users also had AoE, yeah..
    It is called a rifle for a reason.

    If you want to snipe and cause AOE damge, then go and buy a cannon with a set of balls.

  8. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by Dissenter View Post
    Kame, relax mate, I'm not for a nerf I'm just making observations. As for feeling bitter, I save that for very rare occasions in the real world I'm not too bothered droners level faster, infact I just made a droner if you read the thread, I've never played as one in the entire 10 years of NC so some of these point are new to me is all. I know forums and comments are full of corrosive people, but my comments are by no means 'OMG NERF WTF' are they?.... I agree with you that additional AoE is needed for Rifle users and I've made some fairly valid suggestions.
    Sry, sometimes I mistake people with valid questioning for OP-cryout-nerf nerds. No harsh feelings I hope.
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  9. #69
    Highest Ranked Psi-Monk Ever Forget My Name's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dribble Joy View Post
    The issue is how much easier it is to 'play the system' (if you know what I mean) with a droner than any other AoE capable class. Fix the drones and we wouldn't have as much of a problem with them as we do now.
    I don't agree. Leave Drones and Spies alone.

    Fix the system. Stop putting band aids on bleeding stumps.

    This is what the Dev. team is doing. Instead if punishing all Spies, the Devs. are correctly addressing the issues; Leveling areas with safe spots and players who are hacking/exploiting. I applaud (slow clap lol) the Devs. for doing the right thing here.

    The issue at hand
    Players, many of whom are Spy Droners, are exploiting safe spots in many cave systems.

    What some players are proposing, incorrectly
    Nerf Spy Droners.

    What the Devs. are doing, correctly
    Banning Hackers/Exploiters, and fixing Cave System and safe spots.

    Quote Originally Posted by zii View Post
    If you want to snipe and cause AOE damge, then go and buy a cannon with a set of balls.
    No one has suggested Rifles be BOTH sniper and AOE. Many of the suggestions are for short range AOE attacks, like shot gun effects or grenades launcher effects.
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  10. #70


    okay make all drones the size (FAT AS FUCK) of punishers so they cant go "hide"?

    Ive been saying this for years to no avail which honestly makes me think somewhere in the Dev team they want it to be like this.

    People would use punisher if it was not so huge, the things hit box is like half the screen and can not fit through some doors

  11. #71
    Bitter Old Fart Dribble Joy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forget My Name View Post
    I don't agree. Leave Drones and Spies alone.
    What I meant was fix their ability to hide/clip/whatever these players use to avoid loosing the drone when they should.

  12. #72


    IMO it's all the matter of lvling speed and have nothing to do with usual playstyle. Thing is - that it's still possible to lvl your spy as a rifle without any AoE - it's just takes a little longer. I've capped and WoC'ced my one on Terra without any AoE - things are getting easy when you get Silent Hunter, First Love or Healing Light <3

    Yes, as a rifle spy you will be close to unable to soloing, says, RL bossroom - but hey, get your team for that. Once I saw two tanks having just one working plasma wave completely cleared the RL bossroom - it took ages but they had their fun

    So yes, use those AoE guns that are accessible for a spy - a class limitation is not just for teh lulz, it's for some reason. AoE rifles, if any, shouldn't be stronger or having higher tl than a AoE pistols. If you want to deal a huge amount of AoE damage, lvl your tank and get your Warhammer.

  13. #73
    Registered User Dissenter's Avatar
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    So yes, use those AoE guns that are accessible for a spy - a class limitation is not just for teh lulz, it's for some reason. AoE rifles, if any, shouldn't be stronger or having higher tl than a AoE pistols. If you want to deal a huge amount of AoE damage, lvl your tank and get your Warhammer.
    Totally agree with this, if there was a Grenade launching rifle it would have to be much shorter range, like the current HC one - or in the case of the rocket pistol, unreliable to aim and likley to hurt yourself :P

    Another possible idea I had, for either a rifle or a grenade, make it a 1 shot clip and when fired it produces something like the psi-barrell spells but lower powered and short range. Far fetched I know but an interesting image :P

  14. #74
    The REAL Walker
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dissenter View Post
    Another possible idea I had, for either a rifle or a grenade, make it a 1 shot clip and when fired it produces something like the psi-barrell spells but lower powered and short range. Far fetched I know but an interesting image :P
    Uh like a modified flaregun or something. That could actually be pretty cool.
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  15. #75
    Savior Haxxor's Avatar
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    AOE is the easiest way to level so i can see why people are asking for an AOE Rifle.
    Where does it end though? Melee AOE?

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