Quote Originally Posted by Dasore View Post
Why does none want to play ppu?
i know a few people who really love to play ppu and the only thing they complain about is that sc is fucked, db is shit in pve, heal sanctum is to short, ppu needs freez and the psi used for buffs should be lowered so they can support like 5-6 people in a fight and not only buff 24/7.

about that 1vs1 discussion: on the testserver its okay i would say atm, but i would still like that resists help you surviving even longer. Still have that feeling that higher weapon > resists.

broken legs should be ingame... 25% lowering of runspeed when fully broken and fine it is.
Because PPUs aren't an interesting/fun class at all? It's just spam buffs and run around as an unkillable buff machine. I have 259 M-C, 188Str, 88 W-L, 98 T-C, and over 120 ATL/AGI, and I hit PPUs with a Devil's Grace for like 5-6 damage, maybe 11-15 if I land a number of hits successfully.

Buffing resists? Fine with me. Not a huge deal as everyone gets them.

Broken legs should only be in game if there's a counter to them, lol. Otherwise PvP is simply "shoot teh feet 2 win. I r so pro"