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  1. #16
    Banned User
    Join Date
    March 2009
    Teh Intarwebz


    Now I'm not going to go into as much depth as I've seen certain people go into, what with the giant lists and what not, but I'll go ahead and give my input on the implants and what not.

    Overall, the changes to implants isn't so bad, with one exception. It seems as though you guys completely forgot about Private Eye's(Or perhaps you just hate them). There is no way to reach a good setup with higher end TL weapons without ripping your con setup to shreds and reducing your overall str/transport(due to new items just to have armor, 1 gun, 2 medkits, healtool and 2 clips of ammo you need 30-35 base transport so you don't get encumbered) so your armor choices are weaker which ends up making you squishier than a spy. The worst part is, you still don't do nearly as much damage as a frikkin spy! The +6 dex PA isn't nearly enough to compensate for how horrible the negatives are on the required implants to use most of the decent guns, and I'm sorry but the Pain Easer and Wyatt Earp just aren't up to par with the others, not to mention why should PE players be stuck to shit tier low TL items? We're already locked out of the upper echelon of weapons and now we're being pushed even further down...

    The balance you're aiming for isn't balance at all, I can't think of anything less balanced than making a class completely under par than every other class. I know I've given the NST a lot of flack but there's no reason to punish all PE's just because I main them...

    EDIT: To sum it all up, PE's suck with the new patch, we lose too much str/con stats to use a proper armor/con setup(squishier than spy), damage output is awful especially with lower bonuses due to required +dex imps. Why do you hate me?

    EDIT 2: There is a reason why rare implants give better bonuses btw. It's because if you take the time to farm them you fucking deserve the better bonus. Don't try to turn this into Communist Neocron. If you feel they shouldn't give better bonuses, then remove them from the rare pool. Put the SF back into CA FSM and the swat to another fsm and the other rare imps to other fsm's because there is absolutely no point in having yet more worthless rares. Already half of the rare pool is complete rubbish ffs. Might I add this horrid attempt at balance won't fix that, it will just make the game even less balanced. Not to be insulting but do you even do any testing once you start altering these numbers or do you just blindly change and hope for the best?
    Last edited by Aerocytes; 06-08-15 at 07:51.

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