Quote Originally Posted by The Red Guy View Post
he never complaint about losing what are you guys talking about?

yeah the clipping is pathetic and for a new guy its certainly disturbing. Ppl adopted this "strategy" long ago and now it's part of the OPfight game.

And the invincible ppu... hard to kill is ok but sometimes it's annoying a ppu can stand a 5 men beating
the problem really comes into play when you have an invincible ppu clipping through people, killing a normal person is hard when they clip like crazy, a ppu well that just takes it up to the realms of invincible. Again this is hard to balance cos in no way am I saying ppus should be easy to kill, but the current level of hard to kill when combined with clipping can make a competent ppus almost impossible for a full OP team to kill unless you literally post a anti buffing ppu at spots around the OP so you will have somebody with a lock on for the anti buff 100% of the time and pistol spys / apus chasing them who can keep up while shooting (a tank wont do cos they just can't keep up with a clipping ppu so wont be hitting enough).

Hopefully the big balance thats coming will sort these issues a bit, I personally don't have a clue how they will do it but I hope they think up something. They seem to have done well so far lets hope they keep it up and surprise us with some genius method =)