Quote Originally Posted by Arista Barret View Post
Perhaps we need to discuss what having soullight actually means and then making changes. Green or Red...what does it say about you? Afaik, being red opens you up to attack from every player and all cops. Tsunami and BD dont care about criminals. We are criminals. This is why I say red SL guys should be welcomed in PP and only restricted inside the inner city. "Attention citizens. The NCPD only offers protection inside the INNER CITY limits" I will live and die by this statement and its implications.
you are actually making a wrong assumption here. if you are in one of the criminal factions, you generally don't lose soullight for killing non-criminal factions, as most of them are enemy to you, so your logic is flawed. Criminal organisations such as the tsunami syndicate and Black dragon, or their real world counterparts like the jakuza or mafia are perhaps even more fanatical about group loyalty, they don't accept the killing of their allies and faction members. You are being marked as a person that kills people of their own faction, which means that the people in your own alliance will want to kill you, plus you are being marked as a murderer, so you get targeted by the supposedly neutral copbots. The whole law system in neocron is based on the system that killing your faction enemy is war, killing your own faction/allies is murder/treason.

Also, anti-city does not mean criminal, it means anti-city, nothing more, nothing less.