I'm sure everyone can probably remember their most fun times in Neocron. I'm also 99% positive none of those times were in version 2.2 of this game. This version has to be the worst one of all that I've played through. I really do not like how the patch notes are going. Yes, we're seeing bug fixes and such, but we're not seeing anything major. This isn't an insult to the current development team, but rather a discouragement each time I read the notes. I'm expecting bigger changes-- dramatic changes. Right now we're just getting to some fixes.

It seems like the current development team is not even allowed to modify major changes to the game. Is this true or not? I'd really like an answer from the team about this. Are you even able to fulfill the demand if players want 2.1 or 1.0 instead?

If you had your choice, which would you rather play? Neocron 1? 2.1? 2.2? You don't need to be specific about which version you like best. IE: Neocron 1 pre-monk nerf, etc... just a generalization.

To name a few things wrong with this version that make me want to stop playing:
- broken resist setups
- largely unbalanced classes
- broken weapon classes (melee)
- "random" rare part drops. Some researchers have 30+ techs to cursed soul, but 0 addtechs. That's not "random." How many times do you see in trade people asking for techs to SF, addtech to CS, etc. Those are too rare.

I'd like to see some serious discussion on this matter. Please do not lock this topic, unless you're trying to silence us.