Well something strikes me here : fact you all act like spy's can't use AOE. They can in fact use lvl'ing HC weapons, basically all non-rare grenade launchers. I swear I saw a /24 spy in aggies on Titan and he was doing as much damage as a /24 tank... With AOE mind you.

Also you can already spec the spy to use grenades, iirc, it's just that the grenades a not super-efficient.

But if anything, perhaps the Fusion and Ray type of guns should be adjusted to make sense all across the board. Like giving them the same animation and damage/TL than their siblings would be somewhat fine :

Raygun/Fusion Drones = AOE
Raygun/Fusion Cannons = AOE
Raygun/Fusion Pistols = Single Target
Raygun/Fusion Rifles = Single Target

Raygun/Fusion Drones = AOE
Raygun/Fusion Cannons = AOE
Raygun/Fusion Pistols = AOE
Raygun/Fusion Rifles = AOE