Dear Community,
Since our tenure began around this time last year, we have worked on a number of improvements to your Neocron experience. To continue this we have a number of initiatives planned/in progress to take this even further.
We enjoy reading and discussing your Brainport suggestions and are also incredibly thankful for your bug reports - keep this up, your input is invaluable!
Today we'd like to take this a little further to address some of the key issues that may remain, that we may not currently have on our radar. The over arching question is a simple one;
What two things would improve the Neocron experience for you the most?
We'd like as many answers to this question as possible, so please take a moment to reflect on your general Neocron experience and provide your personal thoughts. This is an anything goes playing field so no matter how small you think your thought might be, raise it.
Please do not discuss any of the answers in this thread, any responses which deviate from this will be deleted without warning. If you'd like to sound off regarding other responses, a thread for that is available here.
Please note a balancing project, adjustments to the Law Enforcer and adjustments to the Soullight system are already being worked on internally. So please choose something else.
Play fair and have fun,
Your Neocron Support Team