1. #61


    They could rollback the patch now, but we'd have to go through this all over again next time. Better to get it out of the way now.
    If you want to play again sooner, go test.

  2. #62


    yea... i cant belive ppl played for xp after the patch... even 20 hours ... makes me laugh.

    tbh .. u deserved it. it was anounced after the patch failed, got hotfixed etc. itw as in irc it was on the laucher it was on the forums... if you dont read stuff specialy after a patch in neocron, you shouldnt be arount the internet at all

    ok that was rough i admit but it anoys me.
    i can tho understand that ppl in theire midlvls are not highly motivated to test things out as with the le in .. they cant test any pvp stuff... and are too uncreative to do some rp ... (btw rp in nc is that still there??? was one of the biggest atmo creating things back in nc1.. now i only see ppl doing the have to do jobs and killing stuff....)

    as for me i was busy today but if tomorrow evening its still on test ... i will gladly hop on and do some of the usual stuff to help test things out and do my part of it.

    hell imagine back in 04 or so .. kk would have said... they improved the netcode.. all what we want you to do ist to play 2 days knowing that a rollback will come.... they would have flooded the server cos the netcode ist the main thing that bugs ppl since the beginning of the game. now we get the chance to help fix it, we got finaly a crew who cares bout fixing things and who is obiously able to fix it sooner or later.... and all the comunity asks for is ..get free xp in compensation... omg cant lvl no purpose to get on server.... seriously ???

    if thats the comunity 2013 ... guys plz pull the cables outa the servers and get a payed job .. its not worth it
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRipper
    Quote Originally Posted by ENKI
    ps. ich kill ned alles was rot ist, teilweise kill ich auch grüne und gelbe wenn se mir aufn sack gehen.. scheiss aufs SL.
    Wow das ist löblich.

  3. #63
    -=BlooD=- ancient's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nidhogg View Post
    Please restrict your discussion to the patch only.
    Quote from PATCH NOTES ....

    We feel that it may be benefitial for PvP to tone down ultra fast runspeeds even before we get to the greater balancing. Of course, we appreciate constructive feedback regarding the matter and will continue to observe how things pan out on retail.
    I thought what we were talking about was EXACTLY what you'd asked us to discuss?!
    > Caster : relax we are not here fir pvp
    >You lost a little sympathy with The Crahn Sect. > You lost a little sympathy with Tangent Technologies. > You lost a little soullight.
    > we are
    > You lost a little sympathy with The Crahn Sect. > You lost a little sympathy with CityAdmin. > You lost a little soullight.
    > think yaself lucky boy

  4. #64
    The REAL Walker
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    Quote Originally Posted by ancient View Post
    Quote from PATCH NOTES ....

    I thought what we were talking about was EXACTLY what you'd asked us to discuss?!
    Uh thats actually true..
    Well then, carry on! This is indeed a VERY important subject!
    Will reply with a more lengthy reply tommorow, when Im not half asleep
    John Gotti
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  5. #65
    -=BlooD=- ancient's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gostly View Post
    The progress I made in-game after #179 that will be rolled back, I'm not too happy about it.
    Should of read the big red writing on the launcher tbf.

    One thing I've noticed is the new netcode is effecting the height people jump from other peoples persepctive, someone touched on it before by mentioning bunny hopping but I feel I need to go into more detail.

    With the increased accuracy in positioning, and the effect specking points in ath and agil has on jump height, it's very easy to jump about and be almost impossible to hit (I've especially noticed this in places where there's obstacles of different height, like the ramp with rails on it in p2 for example).

    I wouldn't be as rash to say "NERF JUMP HEIGHT!!!!" as this will impact other things, like legitimate jumping to get up things you need to in your day to day NC life (how many of us have turned p1 into a platform game at some point? :P). However spamming jump (with the addition of stam boosts making you be able to do this constantly in fights) is a problem.

    I'm desperatly racking my brains for a way this could be sorted out without having an impact on other things, thus far I've got a few, but it would fuck up other things in game if implemented so I'm not even going to mention them. If anyone has any ideas ...
    Last edited by ancient; 06-02-13 at 02:45.
    > Caster : relax we are not here fir pvp
    >You lost a little sympathy with The Crahn Sect. > You lost a little sympathy with Tangent Technologies. > You lost a little soullight.
    > we are
    > You lost a little sympathy with The Crahn Sect. > You lost a little sympathy with CityAdmin. > You lost a little soullight.
    > think yaself lucky boy

  6. #66
    Huckle Beare' Doc Holliday's Avatar
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    easy. alter reticle closure/size/aim lock/accuracy when in mid air. jump or shoot. dice did it with battlefield 2 when the bunny hopping / dolphin diving was prevalent.
    Quote Originally Posted by aKe`cj View Post
    Something is wrong.
    Where are the people asking for free candy or Double-XP ?

  7. #67
    -=BlooD=- ancient's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Holliday View Post
    easy. alter reticle closure/size/aim lock/accuracy when in mid air. jump or shoot. dice did it with battlefield 2 when the bunny hopping / dolphin diving was prevalent.
    The thing is, the people jumping aren't trying to aim, they are just jumping about avoiding getting shot, and if this can be done for long periods of time, it's a game mechanic that's not working imo.

    On another note, Getting the retical to close faster, will however fix any issue that will arise from the updated positioning, and the apparent "extra speed" some players feel others have.
    > Caster : relax we are not here fir pvp
    >You lost a little sympathy with The Crahn Sect. > You lost a little sympathy with Tangent Technologies. > You lost a little soullight.
    > we are
    > You lost a little sympathy with The Crahn Sect. > You lost a little sympathy with CityAdmin. > You lost a little soullight.
    > think yaself lucky boy

  8. #68


    In Neocron 1 my spy was as fast as a jeep chaincraft thing, though my PE is no where near able to get to that now....and now the reticule is MUCH slower and MUCH worse.

    Speed has always been king...and it will always be king in Cyberpunk(as a Solo) unless you make something where the tank resists damage while cutting move speed, or grabs monster amounts of health/resists. Agility/dodge was always capped on a fighting char in Cyberpunk games.

    With that said, the nerf to the aiming reticule is ridiculous. It used to be much faster, and much more viable. A capped char working for said corporations with monster rank and at the "peak of evolution" would aim much, much better than they do. Unlike other cyberpunk games, the aiming doesn't seem to scale to the badass level you become. Reticules used to instalock for most weapons and be viable. Don't even THINK about using a pain easer now or any weapon like that. Aiming in neocron is a bit of a joke now at the upper tier, not even in the shadow of the former aiming.
    <-December 2001, do you see that?

  9. #69
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    can we plz get any news about the status? is there not an option to reroll server to 178 and bring 179 later on the live servers?
    SWAT Hooo...lange ist es her.

    Hammer (PPU), Brian Szardak (TANK), Boon (PE), Butsch (APU), Amboss (support) , Mrs Amboss (Support), Niemand (Spy)

  10. #70
    -=BlooD=- ancient's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer View Post
    can we plz get any news about the status? is there not an option to reroll server to 178 and bring 179 later on the live servers?
    Just Wait tm?
    > Caster : relax we are not here fir pvp
    >You lost a little sympathy with The Crahn Sect. > You lost a little sympathy with Tangent Technologies. > You lost a little soullight.
    > we are
    > You lost a little sympathy with The Crahn Sect. > You lost a little sympathy with CityAdmin. > You lost a little soullight.
    > think yaself lucky boy

  11. #71


    So I just logged in, noticed the server has been rolled back...but no announcement so I'll just stay away from it until it's safe to play...updates pls

  12. #72


    Quote Originally Posted by gostly View Post
    So I just logged in, noticed the server has been rolled back...but no announcement so I'll just stay away from it until it's safe to play...updates pls
    Server is still in test mode. More news later today.
    Neocron Support Team
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  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trivaldi View Post
    Server is still in test mode. More news later today.
    thats what i mean plz post such things as news updates, so we all fell better with more information. And when its only the information : we are still working and a test rollback is coming etc....."

    Every information update is better than no information update
    SWAT Hooo...lange ist es her.

    Hammer (PPU), Brian Szardak (TANK), Boon (PE), Butsch (APU), Amboss (support) , Mrs Amboss (Support), Niemand (Spy)

  14. #74
    The REAL Walker
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    Quote Originally Posted by ancient View Post
    With the increased accuracy in positioning, and the effect specking points in ath and agil has on jump height, it's very easy to jump about and be almost impossible to hit (I've especially noticed this in places where there's obstacles of different height, like the ramp with rails on it in p2 for example).

    I wouldn't be as rash to say "NERF JUMP HEIGHT!!!!" as this will impact other things, like legitimate jumping to get up things you need to in your day to day NC life (how many of us have turned p1 into a platform game at some point? :P). However spamming jump (with the addition of stam boosts making you be able to do this constantly in fights) is a problem.

    I'm desperatly racking my brains for a way this could be sorted out without having an impact on other things, thus far I've got a few, but it would fuck up other things in game if implemented so I'm not even going to mention them. If anyone has any ideas ...
    That.. does not sound very good.. Looking forward to testing it later today though.
    Bunnyhopping is IMO just as bad as clipping, and possibly worse.
    How the state currently is, I obviously cannot say, since I havent tested it out yet myself.
    Will get back to spam away on the forum, when I have tested it myself, after Work
    John Gotti
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  15. #75
    El Bartos Padawan Garfield's Avatar
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    whats the deal with it? i dont see a runspeed cap as a nerf tbh.
    2.1 cap`s where great, gosh so many different setups. it whas fun and even with its runspeed cap it wasnt near nor even close to be a "slow mo happy ending" PvP...
    "I'm on the corner, wearing my leather. This dude comes up and he's, like, "hey, punk!"
    I'm, like, "yeah, whatever!"

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