I am going to have to partially agree with the original post. I am not saying that the NST do not care, but the lack of communication did push a lot of the playerbase away. There were times it would be weeks without a post from NST on discord for example.. people asking questions (new or old players) to no answers. The communication has been very poor.

There was talk of some balancing changes that were being made almost 6 months ago now with a response from NST saying patch should be out within a week or 2.. 6 months later still nothing. There has always been a lot of complaints and the new launcher and how it is buggy / a resource hog but now it is being treated like this is new news. The current balance is horrible.. this is a huge thing that pushes players away..

We all know NST is trying, but you shouldn't lash out on someone for expressing their concerns.. and pointing out things (not everything that was said) that many people have stated in the past. We all love the game, we all want to see it work.. it feels like NST look down on the playerbase often, and when a concern or issue is brought up instead of internally questioning if maybe that is a valid issue it instantly goes to a defensive stance...

Myself along with many others love this game and miss what it was.. sorry that a good chunk of the playerbase feels let down. Of course there are diehard fans who will defend everything until the end.. but the numbers tell the real story. None of us hate the NST, just work on your communication, work with the playerbase, and make us feel like we matter..