Better mission-selection in the CityCom Terminal.

It's horrible if you want a specific mission (e.g. Research TL80) and you have to push the "Next" button a dozen times.

Easy solution:
Create a new dropdown option right below the difficulty level.
There you can choose aggressive/offensive missions (Killing Mobs XYZ, etc.), neutral missions (delivery, etc.) and defensive/passive missions (construction, research, etc.).

And of course there shouldn't be the same missions listed several times in the window.
If you don't have luck, the Terminal posts 2-4 of the same missions, before you push the "Next" button.
It's better to list each mission just once.
e.g. normal missions in passive Mode: 1x Research TL 70 / 1x Research TL 80 / 1x Research TL 90 / 1x Construct TL 70 / 1x Construct TL 80 / 1x Construct TL 90

This would grant much more compfort an save a lot of wassted time to all runners.