Named world bosses with quests attached to them to go find them. Doom Harbringer/a named Grim Chaser/Drom/a named Mad Storm Bot/Enemy Faction named personnel with quests leading players to them to fight.

Put them in zones nobody goes to - like the beach near Mcpherson Factory, any of the three zones you used to run through to get to Regants, Jankins Lab, the Northstar Uplink and any other coastal or corner point (Eastgate Factory). Write a small quest line to highlight their existence to players and locate them and provide loot for completing the quest (hand loot to player at turn in of item - proof of death) and make them farmable by groups for large XP. This way you will give players a reward for the one time completion of each quest but also allow them to help other players complete the same by giving them a dose of XP for their trouble.

Make these bosses tough though. Tough enough to need a team of high end players and a PPU but make it so that theyre far enough away from the rest of NC to not be able to troll op fights or gank people going about their business.

Other general changes -

Move all spawn points for mobs off the reset position point and remove all mobs that spawn on or near zoneline boxes.

QFT - AlvaroT - put a small % chance of finding rare parts into hack boxes. Like a 10% chance or something. Make these boxes relatively (50+) easy to hack.