1. #1
    Neocron Support Team Xanthos's Avatar
    Join Date
    August 2015

    Default Patch R#241-T#131

    A new Patch is available for Vedeena!

    Gameworld & Content

    • Mob HP significantly lowered
    Management • Content Development
    Neocron Support Team
    N E O C R O N - G A M E . C O M

    »Don't scream, don't cry, just enjoy the pain!«


  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Xanthos View Post
    A new Patch is available for Vedeena!

    Gameworld & Content

    • Mob HP significantly lowered
    YESSSSSSS. YES. Spot the Fuck ON. You nailed it. Keep going Xanthos and team. Seriously you guys nailed the HP.
    Firemobs and warbots are fun again. Get this patch out asap when you guys think its ready. I'm gonna get word of mouth out. Thank you guys.

  3. #3


    As being the initiator of this post, i am bound to give my feedback here - which i do with joy..

    I've been around for an hour yesterday to test out some of the "mid-to-high end" content like Warbots and Firemobs..

    This is my first impression as a (not fullcapped, dedicated Firemob-Hunter) Tank:
    Warbot / WBT:
    HP pool feels a bit too low now. Heavy Tank with Ravager is able to kill them without issues. For ranged chars like HC-Tank they're easily to defeat. Not tested with Pistol/Riflers, APU or Melee-Tanks yet.

    Grim Persecutor:
    HP pool feels quite good. One still has some minor issues regarding their range and invisible attacks. But that's another story. They tend to be killable now - if you're careful, you can take two of them at once.

    Grim Chaser:
    No data yet due to lack of time.

    What I have noticed:
    All mobs tend to heal very fast. This is irritating. Shooting a Persecutor with 50% HP goes like:
    50 -> 51 -> 52 -> 45 -> 46 -> 47 -> 40 ... and so on.
    The checks for damage and healing seem a bit out of sync - or the healing-rate is too high.

    I will continue testing later and post my feedback. For now, i have to work.

    Nevertheless: THANK YOU! This patch helps a lot!


    I've seen the new TH-Sector and Cooper-Appa...dammit. Really nice. I like them. But for an Appartement dedicated to the glorious Fallen Angels Leader, it tends to be a bit too small.. :-)
    Last edited by niRee; 20-02-18 at 10:28.

  4. #4


    Whooopss...... guess you will also need to scale back vehicle damage now lol.


  5. #5


    Okay, I've been testing around together with a friend of mine...

    Here are our results:

    CRP Cave / Crawler Caves
    Everything seems okay.

    Point Red / Launcher-Mutants
    Health is okay, but their damage is really low. They hit for around.. IDK... 20 dmg? Maybe 25?

    Parasite HP is too high. Much higher than the HP of Sluggers. Slugs go down quite fast.
    Crawlers seem to be okay.
    Nightmare/Boss HP is still too high, imho. Was not able to take him out, although I got PPU-Support. This guy does incredible amount of damage. If he melee's you, you're nearly done.

    Hoppers - feels good.
    Terrormauler - feels good, still can kill you if they come too close or there is no cover.
    Terror Raptor - they're fine.
    Grim Persecutor - Haven't seen one around today, they felt okay-ish yesterday. Takes a bit to kill, but doesn't feel invincible.
    Grim Chaser - HP still too high. IMHO they could still get a reduction (15 to 20 % maybe?). Incredibly high but invisible (no animations) damage..

    Not tested yet:
    - El Farid Level 1/2
    - Swamp Caves (kri'nakh)
    - Launcher Cyclops / Hurlers / Leveling Zones with Mutants, etc.
    - Ceres Labs
    - DoY Tunnel
    - MC5 (for Implants)

    We've also tested some Vehicles. NExT Reveler 2.5 and the Rhino 4x4 v.2 ...
    The Rhino does around 700 Damage on a Grim Persecutor. Some grim faces have been melted in seconds here.
    The Reveler has only been tested on Warbots... You need 3 to 4 Volleys and around 5 to 6 Seconds to kill a single WBT.

    I can say, that Vehicle damage IS too high. There should be a reduction of around 40% to 50%.
    Vehicles should be better in killing mobs than a single runner, but currently they feel very overpowered.



  6. #6


    Yeah the vehicle damage is definitely needing to be scaled in comparison. Great work on your testing Niree =)!

  7. #7


    The mob damage and mob health for all scorpion ranges in El Farid seems very well balanced. Tested a basic leveling tank with both regular and high-tech weapons for a majority of TLs. It was a pleasure! None of the scorpions felt overpowered, except in big groups. The 98/98 are challenging as they should be.

  8. #8


    Mob damage from low lvl scorpions and snakes and spiders are fine in mc5 area and low lvl sewers.

    Mechanical mobs damage from mc5 and low lvl TH areas is off, they dont do any damage.

    Mutants and agressors and preachers have too weak damage, i could go straight after mc5 area missions to kill mutants and agressors with crappy knife with no fear of dying.

    Cyclops and Hurlers are too weak too, i could kill them with str 13 baseball bat easily. Even when there was 2 cyclops and 1 agressor right next to me.

  9. #9


    I haven't been around for a few days - vacation... y'know :P

    Do you (devs) need more feedback on particular mob-types or zones or anything?


  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by AgentKane View Post
    YESSSSSSS. YES. Spot the Fuck ON. You nailed it. Keep going Xanthos and team. Seriously you guys nailed the HP.
    Firemobs and warbots are fun again. Get this patch out asap when you guys think its ready. I'm gonna get word of mouth out. Thank you guys.
    Pretty much my reaction. Spending half dozen clips to kill a single mob is not very exciting.

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