UPDATE R# 234-236 - 10 September 2017
  1. #1

    Default R# 234-236 - 10 September 2017

    Patch notes for 234 to 236 - 15th Anniversary Patch 2017


    • New PSI WoC mission introduced. This includes a new PSI WoC item.
    • New melee WoC mission introduced. This includes a new melee WoC item.
    • Mission to enable/introduce character transfers introduced. This mission is mandatory to make transfers available. More details in the transfer website thread.
    • Naming, item description and typos fixed for Ion Crossbow pistol blueprint and Ion Crossbow rifle
    • Fixed typos in all FSM scripts
    • Added VHC ammo trader to DRT
    • Fixed decal at DRT.
    • Increased the SL gain for the Jailhouse Charity missions once again.

    Client updates

    • Added 15th Anniversary login screen.
    • The hint of the day has been temporarily disabled.
    Last edited by Baldur; 10-09-17 at 23:25.
    Neocron Support Team
    N E O C R O N - G A M E . C O M

    »What's that coming over the hill? Is it a Warbot?«


  2. #2
    i carry a laaaazer......blade gstyle40's Avatar
    Join Date
    July 2004
    Stuck on a m'fn plane wit some m'fn snakes ><


    any hints on where these new missions start?
    [Signature removed - please see the forum rules on signature sizes]

  3. #3


    Oh my sweet gooch
    The Melee Pusher

    Patiently waiting when I can use a Greatsaber in the wastes of Neocron

  4. #4


    So, I can't tell you how much I love and appreciate that this got implemented, but the stats for it are kind of garbage.

    Following stats are at 302 MC

    96 Energy
    24 Pierce
    40 Fire

    95 Energy
    23 Pierce
    39 Fire

    Essentially Warbot's Bane is little more than a re-skinned Devil's Grace. I don't know if that was intentional or not. But, in my opinion, you should either slow down the attack speed and buff the damage (something significant, like going from 66 swings/min to something like 44/min, and buff the damage 25% accordingly). Or do the opposite, and make it super fast and do less damage. But it shouldn't be the exact same weapon.

    Also, swapping fire for x-ray would be a nice welcome as well. Melee still doesn't have an x-ray option.
    The Melee Pusher

    Patiently waiting when I can use a Greatsaber in the wastes of Neocron

  5. #5
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
    Join Date
    November 2005


    For the sake of balance it is actually a good idea to make the weapon a "reskin" for now I would think. It makes things easier for them in the long run to iron out the balancing problem. Remember that that is still going on - adding new content is going to significantly effect the balancing project if they make something brand new. It just gives the balancing team a massive headache because you add new dynamics.

    The team isnt huge and they need to get the game balanced asap in order for the next part to get underway. If this weapon was anything other than a reskin it would set that progress back by some degree just because you need to account for the variation in the new set up possibilities etc.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  6. #6
    Registered User Kalonji Faya's Avatar
    Join Date
    August 2003
    Pau (France)


    Quote Originally Posted by gstyle40 View Post
    any hints on where these new missions start?
    Hey mate, for the psi Woc mission you should try to look for a psi monk at Calida Village (D-09), can't remember the faterh's name, but you'll find it I'm sure

    You'd better team up for the mission though, have fun runner !

    * Kalon G - Old School PPU * Kalon - Butt Plugged PPU (MIA)
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    * Monsieur Smeeth - Slots Maker * Anon e-Mouse - Doomed spy
    * Kalonji Faya - Holy Hybrid (MIA) * Kal'Anjah - Blessed Hybrid

  7. #7


    Where does one pick the new WOC quests regarding the melee weapons?

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