Saturday Aug 20th at 10pm UK time, 11pm German time, 5pm EST we all fight for Soliko. I don't care who owns the OP. Team up with whoever you want. Bring Hoverbombers. Bring kami drones. Bring SH spys. No rules, just a huge fight with many factions involved. You guys all want a fight and this is one of the most legendary OPs to fight at. No excuses, show up.
Tell everyone you know and get them to login. All of our guys will be there, gonna tell GP, gonna tell all the dead clans. Share Teamspeak details. I wanna do this at least every 2 weeks. There are not enough events and who can you blame for that? GMs if you wanna show up and make this fight even more crazy, please do.
edit: Hey Copbots, do you guys have the ability to mass message the community? What about doing a proper event announcement sometime? Maybe we can get people to come back.