1. #46
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    November 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by BlueRobot View Post
    While not being something I would consider a good MMO, ESO is much better than most of the trash MMOs that have been coming out since WoW. And saying it died off within a month is ludicrous bullshit.

    Thank you.

    Its not everyone's cup of tea sure but thats the magic of the internet for you. There is plenty of choice for us all.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  2. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by William Antrim View Post
    The NC IP is also partially owned by the bank. It is probably entirely owned by the bank tbh and there is a bankruptcy order on the parent company. Any attempt to make a new game would also have to settle that debt to make use of any of the IP.

    The current team is too small to do anything and clearly doesnt have the will beyond tweaking the current game and playing about with code under the hood and Kirk is not an entrepreneur. Anyone who blames the "investors" is clearly lacking a clue.

    In short the game needs a project lead who has the will, motivation and business acumen to see it through. I havent seen that here at all. I think zoltan seems to be happy to just plod along being a code monkey and going "aw shucks, well i tried" when the server dies.

    I had this conversation with him once before on these forums and lo and behold the thread got deleted.

    Edit: I looked at the Kickstarter link - Who the fuck is Obi Jim Kenobi. He lost all credibility there.
    I think you are on the right track here. IP for Neocron is locked in bankruptcy. It will never have the investors Kirk needs to rescue it. It is lost. Here is what i don't get: Remember a few years (might have been many years back) back when some guy got a hold of the server code and released his own nc2 server? He was attacked and threatened with legal action to take it down. This was when neocron was in worse shape than it's current state. Cheaters ran amuck. At this point, why not let someone else give it a shot? Look at the Ultima-Online model. There are thousands of private servers for a game that is decades old. Now i know the population of neocron couldn't sustain thousands of servers but i say, may the best sever win.

  3. #48
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    November 2005


    That was MrTrip/Lykos i believe. He got binned off pretty quickly.

    However I agree mike - problem is the current "owner" doesnt see it that way. Despite numerous questions being asked in that direction he remains tight lipped about the whole thing. Even when the "donations" deal came up there was no information as to what the future plans/intentions were. Nobody knows anything about the "future" of NC so it is difficult to get behind the project and support it when there are so many other kickstarter projects and the like to get excited about instead.

    Global consumerism rampages through online gaming with independent companies coming and going all of the time and kickstarter projects forming on a whim. This forum just feels like a digital archeological dig sometimes, just a bunch of old men and a few crazy students hovering over a relic on the internet dusting off little parts of it to see the glory of what it used to be.
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