Quote Originally Posted by Divide View Post
Don't sweat it. I think anyone who took a large break and came back was surprised at a number of things upon their return. I was out for 8 years so I can sympathize.

APU's were so bad for a while they were only used for leveling and laughs. RoF and Range on their spells was cut into 1/3 from when you recall and damage wasn't much to speak of. Only within the last two major retail patches did they begin to be playable again for PVP.

The nanites will be an APU's preferred way to heal, until there are some modifications made to support some hybrid playstyles. I dig the apu-heavy hybrid that you are referring to as well and would really enjoy seeing that return. You can build a hybrid like that currently, but the mechanic in place currently penalizes your effectiveness as you raise apu points and vice versa. Essentially making having both not only reduce overall power because you can't invest as many points, but also have negative impact on one-another just for both being present. Couple that with the fact that low-level shields aren't cutting the cheese right now, and you have a decent picture of why the hybrids we like aren't really that viable currently.

I ran New Dawn in my heyday. We do know each other-- Rizzy and I once roleplayed being drunk and disorderly towards you at diner in Via3 as you were roleplaying having dinner with some dude that was probably roleplaying being a chick. The intent was only to flame because roleplaying required a certain level of maturity and commitment I couldn't (and still can't) adhere to.