1. #1

    Default load capacity going crazy?


    so I've got a weird thing happening - sometimes, my load capacity goes nuts, displays incorrect numbers, and won't let me move around even though I'm carrying virtually nothing. usually happens when I recycle junk to get some ammo. I recycle some more, now I can actually move around, but can't jump. again, and I can't move an inch. then I get out of the dungeon, and suddenly everything is fine.

    any ideas?

    and, on a slightly unrelated note, how can I earn psi experience with a non-monk character? the experience bar is not moving at all.
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  2. #2


    Sounds like a calc error with recycling. Not much you can do i think. Afterall its reported with this thread here. A mod want to use the thread to bug reports or split it.

    Psi XP is earned by using PSI modules, who would have thought, i know. Now PPU basically gives you hardly any XP however so you will most likely want to use APU spells, simply to level that skill. You can also earn PSI XP from CityCom missions, they reward the XP to all skills. Like its told in the chat log when you finish the mission.

    Tho for Spies there is little use in PSI anyway. PEs can get till to the second tier and i think also the lowest spells fo the T3 spells.Tanks have no PSI whatsoever. 0, nada, zip, zilch, null.

    Hope dat helps.
    If you want to fix the game, start with the most essential part: The Community...
    Quote Originally Posted by Danae
    <&Danae> i don't like anything that's furry, totally dependant on me, and shits and pisses in sneaky places
    <&Danae> i have kids, i don't need pets ^^

  3. #3


    so it's a known problem. ah well, maybe it will get fixed in the future.


  4. #4
    Bitter Old Fart Dribble Joy's Avatar
    Join Date
    March 2003
    NF, getting pwned.


    Quote Originally Posted by Drachenpaladin View Post
    PEs can get till to the second tier and i think also the lowest spells fo the T3 spells.
    PEs can use the blessed deflector, but only the lower level protector and absorber.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Dribble Joy View Post
    PEs can use the blessed deflector, but only the lower level protector and absorber.
    And on APU?
    If you want to fix the game, start with the most essential part: The Community...
    Quote Originally Posted by Danae
    <&Danae> i don't like anything that's furry, totally dependant on me, and shits and pisses in sneaky places
    <&Danae> i have kids, i don't need pets ^^

  6. #6


    I think I know what is going on with the carrying capacity - looks like you shouldn't be using the big slot for the item you wish to clone. so I think I should be fine from now on - but I have to say this is VERY unintuitive, borderline buggy (if the big slot represents the result slot, I shouldn't be allowed to put anything in it).

  7. #7


    It is a bug we're aware of and as such is on the (rather long, the [#####] tag on Bug Reports is the number in our tracker) list of things we need to fix.
    Neocron Support Team
    N E O C R O N - G A M E . C O M

    ğI'm in a glass case of emotion!Ğ


  8. #8


    yeah, I can imagine.

  9. #9


    so I've played a bit more, and had quite a good time (only strolling around the city and its dungeons for the moment). however, I did encounter a bunch of weird things - adding a couple of quick notes I've made along the way (I assume they are all known issues/features, if not, I can log them as proper bugs):

    -problems with player attachments, weapons, hair etc, bad offsets, z-fighting.
    -many decals and objects have z-issues.
    -players walk through the air and walls sometimes.
    -npcs stare into walls, pop into existence when player is watching, spin around, cover in fear when unnecessary, have nonsensical dialogues, change their body poses rapidly when being spawned (lock their orientation and pose when spawning, also they need at least a bit of skin variability, also random idle animations to not look like props. create a bunch of dialogue sets like angry, redneck, neutral, slutty etc, assign to proper npcs. some dialogues should be made less dumb).
    -some npcs try to draw my attention by weaving hands at me even though they don't have anything important to say.
    -nonsensical npc reactions (neutral faction traders will scream "intruder" and pull out weapons in a weird way when trying to talk to them, what?).
    -some npc models really awful/broken.
    -lock out/remove mr. Jones quests and locations for those quests not available for the player's chosen profession. they are weird and glitchy (have you tried to talk to the blacksmith guy when not being a berserker?). also, moving the player spawn location so Jones would not spawn inside the player would be nice. also, spawn the player facing the apartment window after entering the apartment (and facing the door after leaving it).
    -humanoid AI motions are really bad, AIs spin around, walk and run awkwardly, fall into water easily where they glitch out completely (levitating in the editor T pose, dying after a while then sort of resurrect in a odd way). Aggressor especially broken, no sounds, weapon effect spawned between feet.
    -very few AI sounds, sometimes creatures are completely silent.
    -AI flamethrowers (and other weapons) work underwater, also player can burn underwater. nope.
    -falling damage when dropping from medium height into water. no.
    -some psi spells seem to do nothing (crahn heal sanctum)?
    -can consume LOM pills when having less than 5 points. the pill is consumed and no points are subtracted. shouldn't be allowed to consume them in such a situation.
    -many more item descriptions needed.
    -female players can have beards, apparently. how about no.
    -vendors could use collisions. corpses could not.
    -annoying tiny little steps in dungeons (grates) where player's feet can get stuck.
    -map errors here and there. like being able to see outside the world through a ladder, or a small random cube of water at certain places.
    -some textures are really bad, like the night skybox.
    -flashlight completely broken.

    -being able to set FSAA level in the configure hardware window would be nice.
    Last edited by voodoo47; 20-01-15 at 02:29.

  10. #10


    I'll let devs aggreed all this but 99% of what you said is well-known issues and 99% of those 99% were too much time consuming to fix/rework for the moment, but don't worry too much, one day... yes one day... .

    ps: even friendly HQ npcs cries 'intruder' and shoot on you ^^.

  11. #11


    thought so. also, forgot a bunch more;

    -illogical creature drops. flies shouldn't drop weapon parts and similar. also the drops are way too bountiful, I think. a bit of scarcity would be nice.
    -crazy dungeon ecologies, AIs are sometimes spawned right under the players nose. I understand that they need to repopulate fairly quickly, but still, this needs to be done in a smart, non-immersion breaking way.

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