Quote Originally Posted by I See Blue View Post
Today the launcher failed to start, so I had to log in the back way, with the client. I have to say the amount of trouble just starting the game lately is annoying, it seems several days every week there is trouble with logging on.How can you expect people to log on when even starting the game is so troublesome?

This is especially worrying considering there is actually a smattering of new players coming to the game. Why would they stay if they can´t even start the game? I would suggest more focus from NST on sorting the startup of the game, getting the basics settled so people can actually get in game. I´ve seen some post on forums or was it twitter about what people should paste into their launcher files to get it to work, surely this is something that NST could have gotten fixed through a patch?
There is an issue with the launcher page at this time. Someone is currently looking into it.