Quote Originally Posted by pottburter View Post
I don't know whether somebody already pointed out or not, but several PPU spells are/seem broken.

- Damage booster doesnt boost at all. Regardless of how many casts you but on a mob.
- Anti-Poison, etc. only works on selfcast. No effect when cast on another player.
- Heal Sanctum only affects the caster.
- Soulcluster behaviour seems even odder than before the patch, often just floating around or rising up in the sky or get randomly stuck on anything around like trees, walls and so on.
OK, i really dont know if you have EVER tested anything at all!
All the things you listed (except the soulcluster) do work as intended! I dont know how you test, maybe with closed eyes or you just refer to friends who said this and that, or whatever, but i recommend you to test it properly on your own before writing complete bullshit on the forum.

And just to set things right: We just have tested it on retail and it probably costed us less time than you needed for your entire post!