Cant edit previous post!

Losing just shortens that fun for everyone because the guy who lost is less likely to want to come back. He doesnt want to come back for 2 reasons usually - either it is impossible to win (more people, too many ppus, just got owned) or cant come back (cant get pokes, lost an integral item). If these penalties were lessened it would make everything better. Everybody wants to win and they want to enjoy their victory I get that but nobody thinks about the time when THEY end up losing and getting pissed off etc. They all think about visiting these penalties upon their opponents yet they expect those opponents to suck it up and come back anyway, to provide them with entertainment. Im not saying spoonfeed people but if you want more fun then you need to cater to the lowest common denominator, in this case that means catering to the noobiest people. If you want them to get better and stick around with the game then you need to make pvp easier on them, or at least make losing easier on them.

If you dont you get left with "hardcore elitists" who are kings of an empty server. This has happened several times already in neocrons lifetime.

I would be happier with a neocron where I can turn the game on and fight for almost every minute of my game time until I log off again. Thats my vision for nc. I dont want down time and all the other bollocks. If I can find a game that does that for me then it has my vote hands down.