In my opinion, the foundation of weapons isnt the damage they inflict.
The foundation of the weapons is the concept which was on paper before said weapon even existed.
Things like :
Single shot or AOE.
Direct damage or stack.
Single bullet, or burst.
Reticule relation to shot accuracy.
Runspeed with/without weapon drawn.
Clip size and reload time.
If the weapons do not obey the intended concept for which they were created for, their foundation is ruined.
I.e. No matter how much you tweak the damage/freq on the weapon, is something is wrong with its design it will not be used in-game by much, nor can it be deemed "competitive" or "in line" when compared to the "working as intended weapons".
In some cases, it can even be OP compared to the rest.
Now a couple of years ago, the weapons foundation was ruined by some people running a re-balance project to neocron. The reload fuction was altered, and many weapons clipsize and burst-size were also altered and since then, they have been "broken".
As Tino said, probably better than me :