Hello Folks,

i think the volunteers deserve a funding of neocron as an entertainment product and for the work they invest in their free time. Its ridiculous to ask about a transparancy of the funding and EVEN if they profit of this thing, WOW, they do real work and invest ours and i think they should benefit for doing so.

I've made my donation of 15€ monthly and by god, that equals three packs of cigarettes, 5 beers/shots or 15 Milka's. Its nothing and i am willing to pay for such a great game like neocron. first time i've played it is 12 years ago and i am still playing with my friends and folks, so basically i don't care if they spend the donated money for what they want.
If you DONATE, you DONT ask for what its gonna be spend, its like gifting or do you ask your friends/family, if you have gifted money to them, on what they spend it and demanding a recipe? i think not.

Btw. i've made neocron2.tumblr.com and i try to collect all neocron guides, tips and information i can get my hands on. Lately the downtimes of techhaven.org made me think of an alternative to techhaven.org. why not tumblr.com
Enjoy and get the information you need