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  1. #76
    Huckle Beare' Doc Holliday's Avatar
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    sorry. just wanted to add on re-reading the last post by me when i meant you i meant you or whom ever else can feasibly start up a decent clan to contend for ops. I dont know of any currently but maybe Black cartel can give you a fight in absence of all other opposition.
    Quote Originally Posted by aKe`cj View Post
    Something is wrong.
    Where are the people asking for free candy or Double-XP ?

  2. #77
    Registered User
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    Quote Originally Posted by William Antrim View Post
    The others just wonder why youre so inflammatory.

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueRobot View Post
    I'm not even goint to read that bs by William anymore.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Holliday View Post
    Last edited by -AB-; 16-03-14 at 17:12.

  3. #78
    We are the CityMercs
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    Ciudad is very active, i don't really consider the OP scene to be dead at all. They fight without rules and moan a lot, true, but atleast they're giving us some real fights when they're not ninjaing after most of our guys went to bed. They might not be at our size atm, but they are very active so make up for that fact. As one of the oldest clans on the new server we've got lots of dead names in our list as well... We're having more fights with them around than what we had with the other, now dead clans.

  4. #79


    Ok, Iīll leave it at this. I think this has descended to far into toxic attitudes.

    The reason for my hostility to William is simple. He refuses to take into consideration my points, but expects me to take into consideration his.

    He claims we are stubborn and unwilling to accept his suggestion of us splitting, yet he is equally unwilling to let it drop when we told his that this would not happen. Now, we, the clan 17th, are the ones who can put his suggestion into action, and we donīt want to do it as we feel it is the wrong option. William can in no way put into action what he suggests, as he has no control over 17th. Yet he refuses to accept that we donīt want to split our clan. Which is disrespectful to me.

    In fact, this is the second thread were he has gone off-topic and put forward his suggestion of us splitting. We made it clear in the last thread that it wouldnīt be happening. So why would he introduce it here, if not to try to inflame us again.

    In addition, he claims to value action over words. Yet what actions is he willing to do in-game to improve the game right now? NONE. And in a thread where we offer help he has the gall to accuse us of not wanting to do anything to improve how things are at the moment.

    And when it comes to action, there is another thing to mention. In all of Williams suggestions, where is ever he willing to do something? Instead he just comes to criticize those who want to do something in-game. He has no faith in the current population to create something (this is quite clear from his posts). This is hardly a compliment to the dedicated players who are actually playing the game, instead of doing what he does, which is just write on forums. His assumption being I think, that since he failed miserable at his attempt (which did require effort and some bravery in coming out as hard as he did), everyone else is doomed to do the same.

    We offered help and guidance, which shows we are willing to do stuff to make things improve. William just comes with negativity, misrepresentation of other peoples statements and veers the thread out of topic. Onto a suggestion we in 17th already in another thread have stated will not happen. And yet he brings it up again to provoke us when we are just trying to create something positive in-game.

    His actions speak for themselves, he is a forum warrior. He would rather contribute here than in-game. He wants others to make the effort to improve the game while he just sits and talks.

    And if you want proof, read the thread he made called "Open you outposts please" Here he demands all outpost GRs opened, or he will come with his mighty force and take them from us. Mighty words indeed.

    Result? A few weeks later he gave up, quit the game and returned to the forums. How is that for actions speak louder than words?

    So, in conclusion, I will cease answering Williams posts, and ignore his answers to mine. By doing this I hope to elevate the lv of discussion. William has good ideas sometimes, I have no problem saying that. But his attitude bothers me. He has problems accepting what he canīt influence, and problems letting go of unwanted suggestions. And he is unable to move on, and leave a discussion where he is continually off-topic.

    Even when asked nicely he wonīt leave it alone. So Iīm done with him in the forums. In-game, well, we will see if he comes back. He is by no means KoS to me, as I donīt know his characters, or if he has a character named William Antrim.

    I think it is sad that Regulators left, and I understand the reasons Doc stated. I still think you should have given it a go for longer. And maybe not started it of with such a high goal as Williams thread. Itīs tough getting things going.

    Now, I am just waiting for my plane to bring me home so I can get back to playing Neocron (and my gf. And work for that matter, money is running low). And on tuesday I will be back doing my best to make the game a more fun place to be.

    William? He will be here on the forums, typing out words. Remember what you said Will? Actions speak louder than words...
    Last edited by I See Blue; 16-03-14 at 21:43.

    Original Plasma Wave Rider

    I See Blue/Estimated Prophet/Big Five/Big Six/Big Seven/Wreckless/Gift of Anger/Pure Pyro/Undead Constructor
    17th, Wolf Pack and LGBT

    Seller of rares and imps

    Formerly of Nordic NCPD/Crackheads/NCAT/FF/BRTF/DOY

  5. #80
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    Lol I'm flattered. I listened to your points and I disagreed. I pointed out the flaws also. It hasn't descended into toxicity. You esteemed gentlemen have been toxic throughout. If someone else had posted the same stuff you wouldn't be half as annoyed. However you got on your high horses a plenty.

    You clearly have no idea what you're talking about with respect to me. You clearly haven't taken anything I said into account and you're clearly just gonna be banging your head against a wall for quite some time to come.

    I don't give a shit about your clan. It means nothing to me. Clans come and go. The facts as i see them remain the same as ever.

    Zoltan posted some of the same things I've said to you but I don't see you flaming him.

    Any attempts to bait me will not work. I'm just glad to express my views to people who will listen to them and take note. I do not post here for the good of your clan, been here too long to remember all the names. Yours is just another.

    I post here for the good of the game as a whole. My entire thought process is geared towards that. I love this game. You are just another bunch of players. It matters not what you think, feel or say.

    You're sadly mistaken if you think I want your clan to fail. I want you to behave like adults only but it seems impossible to ask for.

    It's a shame but hey that's life. As for opinions and views yeah you might not like mine. So what? This is a forum. That's where we exchange our views.

    I keep replying because you keep flaming, even in this thread - what's this about coming out? Are you implying something?

    Tbh as I previously stated. I pity you all for ruining the game. Your clan can't accept a viewpoint that does not sit with your members and you have some of the whiniest people to grace this forum in it.

    You can't argue your points without personal insults and you just end up looking really really stupid. A lot of your Bs shoulda been kept in game but as I said all you want to do is flame on and look stupid. There are no ego wars to win here.

    I've kept on topic all through the thread. Nobody is going to do as you ask, you will have to do it yourself.

    Good luck all the same. I really hope you're successful. I doubt you will be but I hope it all the same.
    Last edited by William Antrim; 16-03-14 at 23:21.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  6. #81
    i carry a laaaazer......blade gstyle40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I See Blue View Post
    His actions speak for themselves, he is a forum warrior. He would rather contribute here than in-game. He wants others to make the effort to improve the game while he just sits and talks.

    And if you want proof, read the thread he made called "Open you outposts please" Here he demands all outpost GRs opened, or he will come with his mighty force and take them from us. Mighty words indeed.

    Result? A few weeks later he gave up, quit the game and returned to the forums. How is that for actions speak louder than words?
    and that thread was about the liberation of ops, mind u all of the ops regs ever controlled were locked ALWAYS....we always found that funny that they were talking all this liberation of ops on the forums for travelers to be able to see the world and explore only to find their ops always locked....made us chuckle.

    just goes to show that whats said on the forums isnt always the case ingame.

    and one other thing. as manu said earlier, we get all the fights we want from the tsu clan. last week they logged on something like 14 players, they had 5 ppu lol. the point here is that we keep getting people asking us to join 17th because other clans for whatever reason wont take them. we dont need anymore, and neither do the tsu clan to be honest.

    when it comes to helping the server, we do our part. we organize fights with some of the smaller clans to give them experience. i cant tell u how much gear sxr has lost because of people coming and going. its laughable. and personally i give away stuff that i no longer need to complete strangers all the time....but none of that is why this post is here. the problem is not a lack of op fighting for us, we fight all the time, the problem is that there are alot of unclanned runners looking for clans and the smaller clans dont want them because they arent "seasoned" enough.

    if we take them in, i think we all know what the outcome is so i wont go there. black cartel, regs, the 2 tg clans that surfaced in the last couple weeks, and the nc1 clan that i see blue helped found are where these unclanned guys need to be looking to go, and those smaller clans shouldnt be turning them away imo.

    oh and the most we've ever had on since ive been here is 14 not all at the same time, but throughout the day. 11 at once. if u cut that in half, u have at the most 7 throughout the day, and maybe 5 at once. sorry, but that may be enough to fight the lil guys, but tsu can log on 14 different people, so can lg and tasa when they log on. it would kill our clan, and essentially kill opfighting as a whole.
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  7. #82
    Huckle Beare' Doc Holliday's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gstyle40 View Post
    and that thread was about the liberation of ops, mind u all of the ops regs ever controlled were locked ALWAYS
    wrong. they were opened. If they were closed its because we were all hiding in the ug scared that the big bad pkers were coming. Or it was merely an oversight that the security was not changed if it had been locked for a valid reason.

    Mace if all these other clans come back like tasa etc then you could always move your guys back. It was a valid point.

    What needs to happen is a new clan starts up or a patch that draws in the old ones like infected etc.

    As for you i see blue i did say you should take a step back from the thread because it seems william really has gotten right up your nose. Your last post was an entire diatribe about what he is or isnt, has or has not done. Its actually fuckin hilarious.

    The only thing more funny is manuels apparent contradiction in this thread. By saying the op scene is not dead contradicts this entire forum gangster flame war thread. So im not sure who looks more foolish right now.

    Him for saying it or you guys for all jumping in to put the boot in in any way you can on william while letting the thread drag on six pages without any real tangible progress.

    On top of that he goes on to say Cuidad or pricks or what ever they are called now arent actually as big as 17th which further fuels the arguement that maybe you guys should split down a bit and then recruit some noobs each and train them up so you can have your fights and not come to the forums and make whiny threads and then flame as hard as you can when someone says errr actually i think this.

    final point seeing how it keeps popping up but did any of you ever consider that the "open the ops" thread served a bigger purpose than to be portrayed as a mere threat which didnt happen. I think most of you took it at face value but did you not stop to consider it at least sparked some more intelligent debate than this thread when it was drawn out in to a proper discussion. In that it served its purpose no? (added to which i did say earlier in the thread we couldnt truly be bothered to twat about dual logging hackers when we had maybe a maximum of 4 online and not all with clanned hackers.)

    GG boys.

    So truthfully what have you actually achieved other than showing you all care about either A your sig/clan/logo or B neocron with a whole lot of text thats been thrown at this thread.
    Last edited by Doc Holliday; 17-03-14 at 02:22.
    Quote Originally Posted by aKe`cj View Post
    Something is wrong.
    Where are the people asking for free candy or Double-XP ?

  8. #83
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    I love how they keep saying I failed tbh. I haven't failed yet. No one else could be arsed to fight you so they all quit. I stand by my original statement. PvP in this game is sadly lacking and that has caused the problems evident here.

    You guys are just too angry to see it and that is sad. The other thread you keep referring to did indeed serve it's purpose and it did it magnificently. Sadly you gents can't see past the end of your noses it seems. A crying shame for such hardcore vets.

    None of those unclanned players read this forum so how is this thread gonna help em mace?

    You guys as a clan need to get on the same page cos you're making each other just look stupid with your egotistical bullshit.

    If they are clambering to join why don't you all take my advice and turn em into hardcore pvpers like you did with 17th? You clearly have the skills and resources like you keep telling us.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  9. #84
    i carry a laaaazer......blade gstyle40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Holliday View Post
    wrong. they were opened. If they were closed its because we were all hiding in the ug scared that the big bad pkers were coming. Or it was merely an oversight that the security was not changed if it had been locked for a valid reason.
    sigh.....of course they were :/ kind of sounds like the same reason we said our ops were closed in that other thread, the same thread that some people said that we should just run from other ops to defend and such. so i guess whats good for the goose isnt always good for the gander? meh, whatever.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Holliday View Post
    On top of that he goes on to say Cuidad or pricks or what ever they are called now arent actually as big as 17th which further fuels the arguement that maybe you guys should split down a bit and then recruit some noobs each and train them up so you can have your fights and not come to the forums and make whiny threads and then flame as hard as you can when someone says errr actually i think this.
    when i see blue left for vacation cuidad didnt have the numbers they have now. like i said earlier they had 14 at an op fight last week when we oould only muster up 8. 17th have never had 5 ppu's at an op fight, cuidad did last week. it was insane lol 5 ppus? really? i guess ill log on cuidad/pricks ts and tell them they need to split up and start recruiting the unclanned guys cuz thats the best we could come up with on the forums. they will ask me why, and ill say simply, "cuz william and doc said so"
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  10. #85
    Huckle Beare' Doc Holliday's Avatar
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    Tell them to come to the forum and make a whiney thread about it too.....

  11. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Holliday View Post
    Tell them to come to the forum and make a whiney thread about it too.....
    You and your weirdo brother are the only ones here who spend more time on the forum whining/trying to troll than ingame.

    I really don't know what you guys are trying to prove here, since noone is buying your shit anyway. I guess the butthurt is just still real.

  12. #87
    Huckle Beare' Doc Holliday's Avatar
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    This thread is way more fun than playing the game right now and I already told you I'm out for a while till the pops pick up but please keep the childish flames coming.

  13. #88
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    Weirdo brother please.

    Got a problem getting beat in the game so you want some noobs to stomp? Then you come to the forum and get stomped by cold logic and then get your clannies to back you up?

    Sounds about right to me. I guess you're just lacking the social skills to conduct any kind of reasonable discussion. All you're doing is still making yourself look like a complete tool.

    What do you actually want to achieve with this thread because so far all it has done is make you look like a bunch of internet commandos.

    You can't hold a decent discussion in any language so you flame.

    I love this thread it has given me endless amusement because you still think it means something to say nasty stuff to people because they have shown you up.

    Please continue. You're hilarious and pathetic at the same time.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  14. #89
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    Weirdo brother please.

    Got a problem getting beat in the game so you want some noobs to stomp? Then you come to the forum and get stomped by cold logic and then get your clannies to back you up?

    Sounds about right to me. I guess you're just lacking the social skills to conduct any kind of reasonable discussion. All you're doing is still making yourself look like a complete tool.

    What do you actually want to achieve with this thread because so far all it has done is make you look like a bunch of internet commandos.

    You can't hold a decent discussion in any language so you flame.

    I love this thread it has given me endless amusement because you still think it means something to say nasty stuff to people because they have shown you up.

    Please continue. You're hilarious and pathetic at the same time.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  15. #90


    Quote Originally Posted by William Antrim View Post
    Got a problem getting beat in the game so you want some noobs to stomp? Then you come to the forum and get stomped by cold logic and then get your clannies to back you up?

    It just dosn't make sense to talk to you if you make up stuff all the time...

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