1. #16


    As a very old new player, I believe that giving Neocron a new lick of paint is very important to entice newer players, though other features may be more important to keep older players around. Nothing complex to start off with - just surface textures, ground, walls, signs, sky. The static objects can come later, and the dynamic ones much later than those. I came back to Neocron because of a forum post elsewhere, and more than a dash of nostalgia, but anyone completely new will look at a few screenshots and pass.

  2. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Exioce View Post
    As a very old new player, I believe that giving Neocron a new lick of paint is very important to entice newer players, though other features may be more important to keep older players around. Nothing complex to start off with - just surface textures, ground, walls, signs, sky. The static objects can come later, and the dynamic ones much later than those. I came back to Neocron because of a forum post elsewhere, and more than a dash of nostalgia, but anyone completely new will look at a few screenshots and pass.
    Hey Exioce did you come back from this post (http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cf...n.html#6197021) I post that every once in awhile to try to get more new players into the game, this time it got over 800 views and like 60 comments.

    As Exioce has stated that is what I believe you should do with Medicare, it needs a good spit shine... I came back from almost a year break a month and abit ago, just seeing new copbots their made me alittle happy. If you guys reworked medicare man the hearts of nc players would fly.

  3. #18


    It makes no sense that a sniper cannot see his health.

    Make it so rifle user using a silent hunter type sniper can still see health/body parts/stamina/psi and chat and local windows when zoomed in.

    We used to be able to alt+f to see those. It cleared the black halo surrounding the scoped-in display. This was probably not intended, but we relied on it.

  4. #19


    General ideas for "What would improve Neocron the most" should be pasted in this thread. For general smaller ideas please use the Brainport.

    This current thread should simply be for discussion of ideas people value above all for improving Neocron "the most".

    Neocron Support Team
    N E O C R O N - G A M E . C O M

    ğI'm in a glass case of emotion!Ğ


  5. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Galactus View Post
    Hey Exioce did you come back from this post (http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cf...n.html#6197021) I post that every once in awhile to try to get more new players into the game, this time it got over 800 views and like 60 comments.
    Not that one, no. It's the one on the Something Awful forums. Just surprised to see Neocron being mentioned one day. Got curious, but didn't download for a week, before finally deciding to take the plunge (again). My memory of my first days in Neocron a decade ago is winning a GM event that rewarded me with that fancy PPU chip, the best one. All you had to do was follow the clues, and find him. He was hiding in Pepper Park, naturally.

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