This just sounds like a massive moan about being pked. It's really tough to see what the constructive parts of your post are.

You say there are only 115 players. There are about that many zones in nc... So if every player was in 5 or 6 popular zones that still gives you a few dozen to go to where you can level alone.

If you level at crp or regants or one of the other popular spots you will get ganked. Nc is a PvP game.

If your clan doesn't help you they are a shit clan. Join a good one.

If you can't find any better zones to level in then it's not the game at fault buddy... It's more likely to be you.

I levelled all of my toons in regants and some other places too and I got killed a few times but I fought back plenty too. Just suck it up. It happens.

Failing that you can always keep the le in. There are two easy solutions to your problem.

If you click my sig below you can potentially find a better clan than you had before. If you can PvP we might be able to give you a trial perhaps.