1. #1
    it's Dy-No-Mite!! jj dynomite's Avatar
    Join Date
    February 2003

    Default [00852][R#185]Random Death Bug

    I think I just figured out a bug that happens on occasion.

    Today i was standing in the swamps in J-04. I hadn't moved for a while then just dropped dead. I had full health, no enemy or runner was around me and I'm LEd.

    I had been fighting some swamp mobs earlier, but cleared out the entire spawn and was waiting on a new batch.

    When i respawned it stated i was killed by a NEXT Quad v1 *Pic below*

    When i ran back to where i was there was a Young Swamp Warrior standing there.

    Earlier, before i had died a swampmage novice had spawned a Young Swamp Warrior and i thought it was weird because they ALWAYS spawn in 2s.

    I'm wondering if one had an invisible spawn and was "attacking" me but my health bar didn't register it. This could have caused the inadvertent death and also the game to not realize what killed me, so it went to the closest thing in the zone (which could have been the Quad) and said that killed me.

    This has happened to me before with a Warbot fight and the warbot fell into the ground and never came back. If it disappeared and killed me the system might not have registered it and it stated the closest thing to me (which was my reveler at the time) had killed me. When i got back to the place i had died, there was a Warbot with partial health.

  2. #2


    I had this too the other day. I was on a suicide run in Regant's bossroom, but shortly before dying decided to run out and have another try. When i synched out, i died but could not use any generep. After relogging, i was alive again with low health.

    After that i decided to have some lowlevel fun at El-Farid village (got there by venture warp). So i killed some wolves and droms with my pistol. One of the wolves was nearly dead (in the water), so he dropped dead, coming back to life, dropped dead, back to life and so on - until he permanently died. This happened again with another npc.

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