1- Are there any plans to clarify values for resists/mitigation in the near future? Eg: Skilled resists vs armor resists values; Nanite resist values.

2- Are there any plans to simplify itemization? Eg: Why have plasma rifle, pistol, cannon ammo mods instead of just plasma ammo mods?

3- Are there any plans to re-evaluate implant/PA bonuses? Eg: Does it really serve a valid purpose for Regant Power Armor to provide 13.07 t-c? Is there really a good reason all bonus values aren't integer-based in the first place like they used to be?

4- Are there any plans to overhaul sellers again? Eg: Why do some sellers' descriptions indicate they sell rifles when they actually sell cannons? Why is it I have to go on a wild goose chase for a level 2 implant or hightech weapon? This is the future, dammit... not the 1800's. It shouldn't require me to obtain an old dusty scroll and a decoder ring to locate the smuggler that sells one of the three items I need. I have further thoughts to expand on this without eliminating the value of smugglers, but this is q/a so I'll stop here.

5- Ammo quantities - why is it that they don't agree with the clipsize of the weapon?

6- Are there any plans to assist the runners who play during low-pop hours? Eg: 1% pop, someone begging in p1 for a poke or a repair for 20 minutes to no avail. This is a big problem for NA runners, and is something that really hampers population growth. If a new player gets pk'd, and spends 30 minutes begging for a poke in Medi is not likely they will convert to a full-time player.