He's not being serious and if he is he should be playing something else cos he is basically asking for them to change the entire model of NC in such a way that most of the playerbase would quit if this idea happened. The whole point of neocron has always been that pvp can happen anywhere and you are always in danger pretty much, making a ton of zones safe is basically trying to move neocron into more of a WoW style MMO where you can pvp but only in a tiny amount of pre-designated areas.

Personally its that style which has made me quit every other MMO and come back to NC, I just want a huge world where I can pvp all over it I don't want to have to go to a tiny designated fight zone everybody cramps into in order to pvp. Granted PP is a bit like that now but fights can break out anywere, if I knew that I was not going to get any fights except in a small number of locations I'd get bored incredibly quickly.