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    Default Pepper park hit rock bottom

    Well pepper park has got worse than I thought it could, just logged off as I went to pp and found about 7 ppus... and 4 fighters...

    Has it REALLY got this bad that we need more than 1 ppu for each person in pepper park? can we not just leave the ppus at home or over the zone line to be used only for rezzes? Its pepper park fights there mean as much as a fight in a rectory why do people treat them like they are OP wars that determine the greatness of a person? its meant to be fun! if you want serious 2 ppus per person fights go to a OP don't clutter up pepper park.
    "You're fat, and you look like you should be, but you're not."

  2. #2


    Carebear much?
    If you want to fix the game, start with the most essential part: The Community...
    Quote Originally Posted by Danae
    <&Danae> i don't like anything that's furry, totally dependant on me, and shits and pisses in sneaky places
    <&Danae> i have kids, i don't need pets ^^

  3. #3
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    How is wanting people to fight without a ppu being a carebear? oh damn carebears wanting people to fight in fair fights where they die instead of 10v1 with ppus or 3 ppus v 3 ppus with a fighters or 2 running around for flavour who never die.

    In my day carebears wanted to discourage killing not encourage it, maybe its this weird attitude thats left the game in this state
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  4. #4
    Registered User eNTi's Avatar
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    ppus are simply op. high level ppu stuff needs to be 50% less effective overall, while low level about 200% more effective. ppus should be possible to kill without other ppus that constantly have to anti them.

  5. #5
    Huckle Beare' Doc Holliday's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eNTi View Post
    ppus are simply op. high level ppu stuff needs to be 50% less effective overall, while low level about 200% more effective. ppus should be possible to kill without other ppus that constantly have to anti them.
    Im not gonna flame you for this because its just not worth it. you will probably never understand the reasons why this is a bad idea but you REALLY should be more careful with some of the outlandish, inflammatory statements you make. They are beyond comprehension at times.

    back on topic. Diablo i agree with you. Its laughable at times. Sadly the worst clans are the ones that do it the most. I dont tend to hang around p1 but prefer that i go off down to pp3 and see whos around. Then get in to a quick fight there before one dies/stealths off.

    Virus are some of the worst offenders for it but thats hardly suprising.
    Quote Originally Posted by aKe`cj View Post
    Something is wrong.
    Where are the people asking for free candy or Double-XP ?

  6. #6
    Veteran Castr0's Avatar
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    PP1 is really strange yeah. All these PPUs ... Well anyway you can't do anything really I guess.

    When I look for a fight, I usually get out of town and announce on OOC where I stand. People sometimes show up and I manage to get a fight.
    I also often check NCPD list.

    And I thought of something, I would really like an option where I ask NCPD to track me (even with high SL), so everyone would know where I am.
    So I'll just post this idea in the brainport.
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  7. #7
    Neocron Veteran Ascension's Avatar
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    I play APU as main, walk into PP1, see buffed people and run away. I need to pull LE on my alt so I can have some fun I guess!

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    The problem with announcing your location is you might end up with 4 people with a ppu hunting you down instead, and even if you get lucky and its 1 person its still not as fun as pp fights as either you die and its 15mins till you can fight again (more if theres no tl115 poker and you need it) or they die and most likely don't come back.

    I realise people hate people who zone a lot but the point of it is that you fight to a point that you would have lost then still live if you aren't absolutely awful (or if the person your fighting isn't that good) so the fight can last a bit longer, thus why its not serious fighting really as the aim is more for enjoyable battles. OP wars and wandering around looking for ganks is the more serious side of fighting where its to the death.

    I remember good old pp1 from nc1 where the only ppus would be there to rezz anybody who died so the fight kept going and people didn't need to zone, today though the ppus are there to buff everybody to high heaven and debuff any ppu who tries a rezz. And of course ppus just make it annoying as hell to fight anyway as all the ultra fast people these days mean that if they get a bit low they just shove the gun away and run in circles round a wall till they are full health again, sure some fight properly but a lot I saw last night did this which lead to nobody dying as if they got close they just made sure it was nigh on impossible to keep a lock on them.

    As for the ppus being to tough thing... thats the point of them, as I've heard it they did screw up by I think tripling hp to compensate for tripling mob damage while never touching resist which utterly screwed everything but I've not looked into it properly or how it would have affected ppu buffs.
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  9. #9
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eNTi View Post
    ppus are simply op. high level ppu stuff needs to be 50% less effective overall, while low level about 200% more effective. ppus should be possible to kill without other ppus that constantly have to anti them.
    Bro you should play a ppu before you touch your keyboard again, either that or leave this discussion to the people with experience.

    I do not bother with Pepper Park for just the reasons Diabolo666 has stated. It is a zonefest. It used to be hardcore. These days it is worse than anything. I was there last night.

    I prefer to pk people in levelling zones truthfully but thats on a /40 tank atm.

    The other alternative I used to do was go around the op owning clans hacking the first layer and shoot whoever turned up to check. That always got a good fight in the past.

    Lowest denominator comes to mind here tbh - win at all costs. Its not about the fun its about gritting your teeth and making that guy die whilst not having any danger yourself.

    even the pvpers have become care bear.
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  10. #10
    Bedroom Armour Keyboard Sword Load_HeavyLoad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eNTi View Post
    ppus are simply op. high level ppu stuff needs to be 50% less effective overall, while low level about 200% more effective. ppus should be possible to kill without other ppus that constantly have to anti them.
    i hope that the devs ignore every post you make because its these sort of misguided opinions that broke the balance in the first place. you have literally just turned NC into PE o cron and killed ppus off - PPUs most certainly should not be killable without anti-buffing or having a shit load of people on them

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    Sad but true =( if I see a fight where its lots of allies with a ppu vs 1 enemy I don't join for that reason, I fight for fun not just to get a kill and if its 4v1 then joining in to make it 5v1 isn't fun, problem is my tanks capped so I can't hunt in leveling zones as thats even less of a challenge unless I gank some low level people in hopes of a higher level guy turning up (which still leaves me with a bad taste) and obviously as a tank I can't hack.

    Sadly people like this are killing the game, I want to play but right now with a capped char and as a person who loves pvp theres nothing for me to do, all I do right now really is log on for about a minute to see if theres any enjoyable fights in pp or if there happens to be a OP war going on I can join which isn't very often right now (at least not for current clan). They should add a system so that if you die to somebody using a ppu when you don't have one you don't drop a belt no implants come out and you get 0% SI when you click out. Bit of a complex system I know but it would at least give people a reason to fight the odds, right now if I'm fighting 4 people with a ppu I just log off as I know from experience that maybe I'll get lucky and kill 1 of them through the heals and shields but even then they will be rezzed, more likely ill get hit in the legs a lot in 1 attack and die.
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  12. #12
    Veteran Castr0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DIABLO666 View Post
    The problem with announcing your location is you might end up with 4 people with a ppu hunting you down instead, and even if you get lucky and its 1 person its still not as fun as pp fights as either you die and its 15mins till you can fight again (more if theres no tl115 poker and you need it) or they die and most likely don't come back.
    Fighting 4 people is not a problem to me, that's what I like, big challenges. I'll probably die but maybe I'll manage to split them up and kill 1 before diing.
    If I get attack from 4 people, getting out without diing (even without fighting I mean) is also something I enjoy !!
    If I die, I'll come back to fight again. I may call friends for help !!

    Also you say if someone come and die, he prolly won't come back. But maybe he will and bring a friend too !

    I may be too optmist but giving my location to everyone is sometimes what I really want.
    If you didn't loose 5 items when you are red SL, I also would be red SL all the time I think (but that's another topic). Hoping to get hunt and get this thrill !! (which is so Neocron for me)
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  13. #13
    Registered User Strife's Avatar
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    I do not bother with Pepper Park for just the reasons Diabolo666 has stated. It is a zonefest. It used to be hardcore. These days it is worse than anything. I was there last night.
    pp1 fighting was never hardcore, and it's always been a zonefest.

    I don't really get why you people are whining about pp1 fights. If you don't like it, don't go. I don't whine at people who neofrag because I don't like Neofrag. Because that would be utterly moronic.

    Sadly the worst clans are the ones that do it the most.
    98% of clans are the worst clan.

    PPU's will no longer be needed in Pepper Park (or any zone-line flavor of the year) when the game is balanced.
    Last edited by Strife; 31-05-13 at 15:52.
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  14. #14
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    And strife is 98% of the worst players =p.

    You obviously didn't play in nc1 or you'd know about the times when ppus would just rezz people who died so people could fight to the death, its only since nc2 (or perhaps late nc1 can't remember) that people started treating pp1 like the most serious thing on the planet.

    And where do you suggest we go for fights? perhaps a OP war where neither side is your clan so you can't access the UG and perhaps both sides kill you? ganking low level people (cos we all know how fun it is to kill people in 2 shots).
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  15. #15
    Registered User Strife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DIABLO666 View Post
    And strife is 98% of the worst players =p.

    You obviously didn't play in nc1 or you'd know about the times when ppus would just rezz people who died so people could fight to the death, its only since nc2 (or perhaps late nc1 can't remember) that people started treating pp1 like the most serious thing on the planet.

    And where do you suggest we go for fights? perhaps a OP war where neither side is your clan so you can't access the UG and perhaps both sides kill you? ganking low level people (cos we all know how fun it is to kill people in 2 shots).
    I did, and that's how some of us still choose to play in Pepper1, and it is usually that way until the super serious Infected or FF members come.

    I suggest you goto battledome. You have a whole sector with a free access GR and no belt drop.
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