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  1. #1
    NC2 were u fight bugs from NC1
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    June 2003


    A move to Unity 3d would probably resolve so many issues and limitations of the current engine and open up a world of possibilities for further development/features.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Cursed Shadow View Post
    Nonetheless, you're isolating two Factions.
    One is a hangover from the original implementation. We're working to address both gaps though. Even though those factions are the 'difficult' factions, they shouldn't lose out on the better part of the NPE.

    The below is my opinion and not necessarily the opinion of the entire team.

    Rather than remove 'Jobs' (I assume you mean the profession selected during character creation?) I would rather we improved their relevance and the education around them. I believe Mr Jones was Reakktor's first step to make professions mean more than simply a string on the selection screen. That is something that would have to come much later. There is a huge amount on the table at the moment for the resources we have. Due to the way players are able to entirely re-skill their character, I do agree that a character's profession should be changeable later in the game based on their chosen specialisation.

    As for the use of Jones items, in an ideal world all those items should be just as useful as each other in their intended level range. The fact a selection of them are must-haves to capped players is wrong in my personal opinion and only highlights shortfalls in the offerings available later in the game.

    MC5 needs a lot of love regardless. I am against it's removal entirely as it has significant relevance to Neocron's lore. With more proper missions which are active in the mission system (i.e. you can actually track them in F8) and more structured advice/guidance through those missions, it can become a lot more useful. That is the aim.
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  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Trivaldi
    As for the use of Jones items, in an ideal world all those items should be just as useful as each other in their intended level range.
    Yes!!! PLS

    It's so fucking lame everyone is using items that were designed for noobs to get into the game easier on their capped characters.
    Just add a max-lvl requirement to all the jones items. (And while you're at it, spend 5 minutes on changing the Regants Mobs' attack range.)

  4. #4
    The REAL Walker
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueRobot View Post
    Yes!!! PLS

    It's so fucking lame everyone is using items that were designed for noobs to get into the game easier on their capped characters.
    Just add a max-lvl requirement to all the jones items. (And while you're at it, spend 5 minutes on changing the Regants Mobs' attack range.)
    ...Not untill PE's have an alternative..
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  5. #5
    Dream Cast Cursed Shadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trivaldi View Post
    One is a hangover from the original implementation. We're working to address both gaps though. Even though those factions are the 'difficult' factions, they shouldn't lose out on the better part of the NPE.

    The below is my opinion and not necessarily the opinion of the entire team.

    Rather than remove 'Jobs' (I assume you mean the profession selected during character creation?) I would rather we improved their relevance and the education around them. I believe Mr Jones was Reakktor's first step to make professions mean more than simply a string on the selection screen. That is something that would have to come much later. There is a huge amount on the table at the moment for the resources we have. Due to the way players are able to entirely re-skill their character, I do agree that a character's profession should be changeable later in the game based on their chosen specialisation.

    As for the use of Jones items, in an ideal world all those items should be just as useful as each other in their intended level range. The fact a selection of them are must-haves to capped players is wrong in my personal opinion and only highlights shortfalls in the offerings available later in the game.

    MC5 needs a lot of love regardless. I am against it's removal entirely as it has significant relevance to Neocron's lore. With more proper missions which are active in the mission system (i.e. you can actually track them in F8) and more structured advice/guidance through those missions, it can become a lot more useful. That is the aim.
    It's really great to hear that you're on the same page as us all.

    Sometimes it feels like these niche improvements like the Apartment access stuff I keep reading about get a lot of press, rather than the things I'd expect our community to care about: new players, engaging them, retaining them, improving the game for PVE and balancing out the PvP.

    I know there are definitely ideas for those, and sometimes it's just nice to have some Dev Team reassurance that there are some opinions or plans in place.

    Can you share any of the current thoughts on how to improve MC5 to make it better and more engaging?
    What do you see as being the evolution for professions? (you were correct, I did mean professions)
    I currently think the load-outs for many of the professions are a bit strange/could mislead runners to spend points in unnecessary places.

  6. #6


    Leveling areas: Increased XP for single shot weapons, pistols rifles cannons and spells but maintain aoe XP. Start off at /20 because lets get real this is 2014 no one wants to level from /2 to /20 anymore. Add MB/TH to the Subway make it a 5/10 minute rides. Add leveling areas into dome of york, Tons of useless space there just ready to be worked with. Re-add the old industrial sewers that had launchers cyclops and butches etc. add another 2 boss rooms at regents. Maybe add some kind of dungeon system where you need a full team to do.

    Gear as a player who's been playing this game for the last ten years I either have or can get the gear I need, However I explain to people at least once a week to get there level 2 implants from point red and there guns from random smugglers, maybe make it easier for new players some how.

    Staff information:Staff needs to be more involved in the community, I know probably about 15 players right now who think nothing will ever change in Neocron. Even after some very big and nice changes they just don't see it. Having some staff members explain whats going on, and putting real timelines on stuff they are working on would help a lot.

    Rares: Add more rare items to the rare pool, not just weapons but other items such as (Woc 3+ PA's with new colors, Babe suit/other suits, Vehicles, Apartment keys etc. All mobs should have the ability to drop trophies/remains, Not all players see trophies as "rare" but there are many collectors out there and adding in 10-30 more trophies would make a massive change.

    Taking a page out of World of warcraft, Don't judge In wow they have silver elite mobs you can randomly find or world boss's, Id love to see a Gold plated Warbot Titan roaming the wastelands, Could have really rare loot or just random loot.

    More Staff Events: Should be staff events weekly, from Fight nights to PVE events, apartment decorations contests etc

    Op wars: The underground should have some sort of side effects from over use. The Battery power pack behind the hack terms should be removed or made solid. Add some kind of Kill/death board, so you can see whos really holding the team up, instead of everyone talking about how they put a clip into him and it was there kill.

    Hacking: I know its a game but IRL if I were hacking a computer with a small Ipad on my arm I'd be able to tell if some guy was shooting me. the whole AM I SAFE?? AM I SAFE?? is just a piss off. The hacking screen should have a border about an inch or two so you can see your health bars and chat while hacking.

    Hacknet: Hacknet PVP and PVE is crap. Hacknet itself is amazing but just isn't worth it atm. Add more hacknet rares and maybe even PA's.

    Implant: Poking should either be removed or reworked. Being online at night and needing a poker has made a lot of my noob friends leave the game, unless you have the ability to log your own poker sometimes its impossible getting just a single poke let alone a 115. Add a station like the Gen-rep station that you can stand in to get pokes but it has a charge. Or make it so it auto tips upon being implanted by a player say 2500 a implant.

    Apartment decorations/Apartments: Huge part of Neocron hasn't had any improvement or anything added since the beginning of time. Maybe rework the price on decorations, pillows are 11k.... table 58k, should be like 1.1k and 5.8k.. One of the things that Neocron stands out for is apartments every time I tell people about the game and they hear you can own your own house/apartment they get way more into the game.

    Epics: Epic rewards should be changed up or the rewards should be made into a choice, Each epic should have like 5 choices in rewards. Add legendary quests, After you woc you should have the ability to get a legendary quest with a far greater reward then the epic reward maybe even woc 3 pa.

    Decorations: Decorate P1, Make medicare the place to really be. banners neon signs more stores above etc tons of things that could be done.

  7. #7


    one of the best posts in the last weeks, keep it going Galactus

  8. #8


    As a very old new player, I believe that giving Neocron a new lick of paint is very important to entice newer players, though other features may be more important to keep older players around. Nothing complex to start off with - just surface textures, ground, walls, signs, sky. The static objects can come later, and the dynamic ones much later than those. I came back to Neocron because of a forum post elsewhere, and more than a dash of nostalgia, but anyone completely new will look at a few screenshots and pass.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Exioce View Post
    As a very old new player, I believe that giving Neocron a new lick of paint is very important to entice newer players, though other features may be more important to keep older players around. Nothing complex to start off with - just surface textures, ground, walls, signs, sky. The static objects can come later, and the dynamic ones much later than those. I came back to Neocron because of a forum post elsewhere, and more than a dash of nostalgia, but anyone completely new will look at a few screenshots and pass.
    Hey Exioce did you come back from this post (http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cf...n.html#6197021) I post that every once in awhile to try to get more new players into the game, this time it got over 800 views and like 60 comments.

    As Exioce has stated that is what I believe you should do with Medicare, it needs a good spit shine... I came back from almost a year break a month and abit ago, just seeing new copbots their made me alittle happy. If you guys reworked medicare man the hearts of nc players would fly.

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