Quote Originally Posted by Netphreak View Post
Surely you are not going to be able to come close to maximizing the damage potential of an IAR on a PE unless you are sacrificing DEX implants and relying on being drugged up to the max to use the IAR...
Trust me, the damage a PE can do with an IAR is straight up scary. Obviously a spy will be able to put out more damage, but the PE can have (much) better resists than the spy.

To give an example: I did a test with a friend..
He had multiple GM spawned Ion pistols, I had 2 IAR's. Both PE's and both at 200-220 PC/RC.
We stood still, infront of eachother - headshots only.
He dropped with me still having more than half Health left - and he didnt have to reload the Ions either ofc.
And people have whined a lot about fast-switching Ion pistols in the past..

Uh and on topic: 100mil overcap needed on a PE would be perfectly fine. It wouldnt make the PE get WoC incredible fast or anything, AND as it is currently - A PE without WoC is a shitty PE