Quote Originally Posted by Jodo View Post
.......I'm sick of this crusade to exclude LE'd players from parts of the game.
A couple of people (and it is only a couple) keep saying they don't know what happened to the game to get like this. Let me tell you all. A small group of asshats make it their mission in life to make others miserable. The same people who whine about being punished with red SL for being a mass murderer. The same people who want to kill everyone else in a leveling/farming spot because they were never taught to share as children. The same people who can't deal with the ingame justice system, but refers to everyone else as carebears, suck it up.

This describes very correctly at least on aspect of the actual conflict. If i am online and have to read such massive ooc flames consistently driven by same people again and again, then i wonder for which player type this should be an atrractive game environment ?

I think atm that the former mutual commonness between pve-oriented players and pvp-lovers tends to an end. If the Dev teams intention is, to eliminnate soloplay/ LE/ Non-Pvp content and game mechanics, they should remove the LE instead consequently and/ or make it clear. That would prevent players wasting valuable (real life) time for a game like this.

The history of the game demonstrates in impressive way that it's not the carebear/ roleplay/ non-pvp player who ruins the game and causes due to asocial behaviour and massive cheating other players to leave the game. Other way round this player type plays an important role within the game due to plurality.

One can not be happy with this progression.

@William Antrim: Would you not vote for removing a LE ? It seems to me the only consequence from your conclusion, that LE hinders clans in fighting ?
