Sorry, but unfortunately I do not believe this to be a good idea. Before you pwn me with words, please hear me out.
OK so in the old days you guys used to fight on the border of Plaza and PP. It was pretty annoying when you actually had to go to PP, because if you didn't have the GR or didn't want the SI of using a GR, the only ways in were the subway, and the entrance form plaza. Because you guys were fighting it out, running back and forth across the zoneline and AOEing the crap out of everything, non-capped characters got obliterated in a few seconds. This was all well and good when you knew that going to pepper park was going to mean fighting, as you had no other reason to go there. But the game has changed. There are reasons for people not wanting to get involved in zoneline fights having to go to PP now, so introducing this will just cause problems for them.

You guys really need more better stuff to fight over. Like OP battles, but more of them and without the undergrounds. I think zoneline fighting is just not good for the game.