Quote Originally Posted by CM Punk View Post
1) rise the stealth time of the Jones stealth tool.
Questionable, because the next stealth activator just lasts ten seconds. When there would be a rise of the Jones tool, the other stealth tools should be step up at least 5 seconds of usage up to stealth activator three; =
Jones Stealth (JST) = 10 secs, SA I = 15 secs, SA II = 25 secs, SA II = 35 secs, Obli = still 60 seconds ( jump from SA III to Obli is high enough, the durationof the Obli as well)
Nooo, do not make the Jones stealth last longer!
Even on my hightech spy (on Terra) with enough TC for Obli, I pretty much only use Jones stealth - and yes, that spy was ONLY being used at opfights.

Quote Originally Posted by CM Punk View Post
2) Invent an low-rare stealth tool/ new mission high-level-mission reward for PE's.
- in my opinion the better way, to open the PE's a new option of surprise moment in fights. The five seconds tool is barely enough for getting a surprise for enemies, because it lasts that short time. You are normally in sight of the enemy, as you start it as PE, and from that short distance you see that blue flicker very good, while the spy can use his tool from distance, where you nearly can't see the blue shimmer.
So inventing a new PE stealth tool with a stealth duration of 10 - 20 seconds would be a good option, especially for pistol using PE's who must come close before he starts the fight.
For that option, the stealth tool from Jones wouldn't be overpowered as starter item, but would give the PE more deepness for his fighting-possibilities, as long as the damageoutput of a PE, especially for a pistol-non-woc-pe without X-Bow is that low.

The rare-part-solution is imo not as nice as a new mission to get it, because you get the opportunity to create new content (new mission plus an item) and more pvp-possibilities for PE's. New content is always better than just a new rarepart-object, but a new rarepart object would be better than nothing

Let's discuss
I wouldnt mind PEs getting access to a longer stealth though.
Honestly though. IMO the normal spy stealth tools should just be made available for PEs aswell.
Personally I wouldnt use a longer stealth though.

Longer stealth = Longer out of the fight = Less damage given.