Thread: [OT] Defiance?

  1. #1

    Default [OT] Defiance?


    Anyone played alpha/beta?

    I must say it looks pretty sweet on youtube.
    From what I understand it's B2P, open world, 3rd person, sci-fi.

  2. #2
    Registered User Disturbed21's Avatar
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    Played the PC beta this past weekend. Sadly only played for a couple hours due to the NC double xp weekend I thought the movement and fighting was pretty fluid and fun - no tab targeting, where you aimed is where your shots went. From what I saw of the missions and storylines, they were interesting and made you feel like part of the story. NDA is still in effect as far as I know, so there's not a whole lot of info floating out there just yet. Wiki -

    It's scheduled for an April release along with the Syfy show of the same name. Will be on PC, PS2 and Xbox 360, though no cross-platform play. They just announced no subscriptions.

  3. #3


    Sounds interesting and fun. Too bad beta doesn't run continuously, but in scheduled "events". Might have pre-ordered ($60) if that meant going ingame immediately (albeit game being in beta stage).

    Weird way to beta test their game, no? the scheduled events thing, I mean.

  4. #4


    Their beta testing schedule is actually quite common, it's done this way to maximize server load. If they just left it open for weeks or months they wouldn't get as many people connected at one time.

    They'll probably open up testing after they've got the servers running acceptably with high loads, so they can get more bug reports and feedback.

    I was in the 2 day beta but wasn't able to play very much since there was a server problem which meant you'd usually get disconnected every 1-15 minutes.

    My impression of it for the short amount of time I did play is that it's a decent TPS but it didn't really seem like a MMO to me. Yes, it's open world and you will see other players but it seems to be heavily instanced (Don't confuse this with area instancing, I'm not talking about zones like neocron has. It's instanced so there's dozens of servers running in the background and you're only connected to one at a time, you won't see or interact with everyone in the game, you'll only see a small fraction of people who are actually in an area.) and there's very little in the way of communication between players, there was no chat that I could find apart from some quick voice chat commands, there's probably microphone support as well but that's it.

    The UI is built for consoles and the game really plays like a singleplayer/co-operative third person shooter with an arena type versus mode. The only "MMO" part is you'll see other players running around the world, you can't really communicate with them, trade with them or shoot them, there's no open PvP. Just the above mentioned 'arena mode' where you click on a button and get matched up with a small group of players to do objectives like capture a point and hold it, the biggest match I played was a 4 v 4.

    The main quest seems like it might be fun to play through, especially if the story turns out to be good, I haven't played long enough to find out.
    Last edited by hatmankh; 25-01-13 at 23:28.

  5. #5
    Joshua Ali Quare Finne's Avatar
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    mediocre game, got bored after 1 day
    Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day
    Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life

  6. #6


    hatmankh, the bit anout maximzing server load makes sense, thanks for the info

    The way you describe the MMO part makes the game sound like it's a Planetside clone (or worse). Not so exciting now :/

  7. #7


    I wouldn't compare it to Planetside, as I said PvP is limited to little rounds of 4 v 4s (Possibly a little more, this is just what I experienced.) that you queue up for.

    If you've played APB its kind of like that, you see people in the world but unless you're grouped with them or on a mission with them, you can't interact with them at all.

  8. #8


    Tested it for a some hours and its sort of fun, sort of Planetsidelike except the enemy are NPCs. The story seemed quite interesting and I look forward to play the game if its free. Very fast paced action which I like. I don't think its going to be exceptional but might be fun to play from time to time. Tho I only experienced the start of the game which doesn't define the whole game.

  9. #9
    Loving Titan L0KI's Avatar
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    It is honestly a flash-in-the-pan sort of game. I was bored on day one.

  10. #10


    Reminded me of Firefall, which made me bored pretty quick...I think the coolest thing this game has going for it is a TV show where the game influences the show (from what I understand anyways).

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