Problems Loading Game **windows 7**
  1. #1

    Exclamation Problems Loading Game **windows 7**

    Hi, I have a very serious question....

    Recently just installed neocron 2.2 client launcher onto my Laptop, Pavilion dv7 running Windows 7. Its a 2.8 ghz, 4 gig ram, dual pnemnon dual core processor...

    Downloaded perfectly, installation was good, i *right click on the icon* open as admin, it loads the launcher, i click "play neocron now" and it says " Sending Version Request" than POOFFFFFFF the screen goes away and nothing happens.... I've double and triple checked that all security settings are open and not blocking and also my firewalls as well...

    any suggestions? its making me flipping mad.

    also tried compatibility mode on windows xp sp 2 and 3 and admin rights.

    Connected To IP: Port:8020

    Sending version request.

    Opening Internet Session...

    Establishing FTP Connection...

    Login successful.

    Download complete, average download speed: 127.16 kB/s

    Download complete, average download speed: 124.83 kB/s

    Download complete, average download speed: 121.95 kB/s

    Download complete, average download speed: 125.30 kB/s

    Download complete, average download speed: 120.16 kB/s

    Download complete, average download speed: 69.94 kB/s

    Download complete, average download speed: 120.91 kB/s

    Download complete, average download speed: 125.22 kB/s

    Download complete, average download speed: 126.29 kB/s

    Download complete, average download speed: 104.12 kB/s

    Download complete, average download speed: 125.48 kB/s

    Download complete, average download speed: 7.72 kB/s

    Download complete, average download speed: 10.67 kB/s

    Download complete, average download speed: 126.63 kB/s

    Download complete, average download speed: 50.93 kB/s

    Download complete, average download speed: 126.05 kB/s

    Download complete, average download speed: 111.51 kB/s

    Download complete, average download speed: 108.26 kB/s

    Download complete, average download speed: 123.79 kB/s

    Download complete, average download speed: 113.68 kB/s

    Applying patches...

    Connected To IP: Port:8020

    Sending version request.

    Sending version request.

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    Sending version request.

  2. #2


    That would be the Log i copied and pasted showing what has happened... any ideas?

    like i said, i've attempted it in Admin, Compatibility mode different, tried reinstalling and installing... IDK im getting vvery very very frustrated

  3. #3
    T.G.M Second in Command phunqe's Avatar
    Join Date
    August 2002


    Did you install under Program Files? If yes, try moving the whole Neocron directory to c:\neocron instead and see if that works. Also, after moving, right click the Neocron folder and make sure read-only is unchecked and applied to all subfolders.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by phunqe View Post
    Did you install under Program Files? If yes, try moving the whole Neocron directory to c:\neocron instead and see if that works. Also, after moving, right click the Neocron folder and make sure read-only is unchecked and applied to all subfolders.

    Yes, I have moved th entire Neocron Directory out of the programs folder, and just left it in the C:\ . as far as i will check on the unchecked and applied to all subfolders... if that does not work any other suggestions from anyone else?!?!?!??!?!?

  5. #5


    There are probably dependencies missing, see this thread.

    Neocron Support Team
    N E O C R O N - G A M E . C O M

    »After the patch is before the patch!«


  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Alduin View Post
    There are probably dependencies missing, see this thread.

    Thank you so much! your are amazing this is the problem right here:

    Game crashes on Launch

    Make sure you can load: Configuration > Configure Hardware > And make sure you have a D3D9 Video Driver listed.
    If this loads, or fails to load, make sure you have up to date version of the following:
    DirectX -
    MS Visual C++ Redistributables -
    If needs be, complete a clean removal of both, then re-install, making sure you install the 32-bit(x86) redistributables.
    Reboot PC, and try launching Neocron.

    SO My Direct X was indeed updated, however the MS Visual C++ Redistributables wasn't apparently or something once i installed that, and tried it, it launched! thank god!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #7


    Thank You once again Aldui

  8. #8


    man can u say me how long takes the first proces for the direct x? i have already 11 and it is taking so much!

  9. #9


    ok i am with the same problem. i am trying to download the dirextx file from the link you used too but during wthe install says me an error.

    if i try to open the client from the foulder says me "impossible open the program because d3dx9_43 is not present in your pc".

    any suggestion?

  10. #10


    i win this fight against directx . yay!

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