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  1. #61
    NC2 were u fight bugs from NC1
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    June 2003


    What about WoC gun style multi-part missions that reward you with parts of the chips? Not completely random, as in let you pick which chip you are after and/or have these long multi-part missions for each part.

    The reason I say a WoC style multi-part mission is because we don't want it to be easy/quick or entirely soloable. I'm thinking of this as a long way to get parts that compliments going to MC5, (and gives a way to try and get the chip parts that are extremely elusive).

    Obviously this is just a thought, but if it would help get people traveling across the map to places that are simply not used and no one goes to, then I think it would be a good idea.

    I would actually quite like some specialist DOY combat chips and armor added to the game at some point to make use of all the DoY outposts with guards and also get people to go into DoY, but I think that idea is for another day and I've already gone far enough off topic.
    Last edited by Netphreak; 01-01-13 at 12:23. Reason: Typed on phone, added paragraphs

  2. #62
    I stay in the canyons
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaRKWuRM View Post
    I seem to recall a time when MC5 in terms of imps didn't exist, and PvP was still quite active. Sure end game PvP is enhanced by MC5 chips, but the game is hardly unplayable without MC5's being readily available. I rather like the fact that not everyone is on a flavor of the month build, and we all don't have the same setups. Feels like early Uranus a bit to me. Sure we all use similar methods of leveling, but lets face it, it's different, it's harsh, which was always NC's strong point.

    The game doesn't sugar coat anything, never has, that's what makes it good. It's more interesting because it either makes you work for what you want, or sends you home as a failure. All those quitters people like to talk about, those are people who let NC beat them, like the bitches they are. The ones that stayed are the ones still fighting the good fight no matter the odds.

    It's been years since I've seen the game the way it is on titan, I'd hate to see it die yet again. NC lomd you to noob, deal with it. Adapt or die, it's what we've always done in NC...
    Other than you sounding a bit daft, there are a few things id like to comment here. But before that, you sound as if NC's mechanics are overly harsh, they are not.

    For instance money is extremely easy and absolutely worthless on Titan, same goes for everything but some techs, WOC disks and MC5s. This game is NOT harsh in many aspects but rather either too easy or "non-existent" and hard like MC5.

    Seconly, the lack of MC5 chips does affect PVP. At the moment only members of very big clans have MC5 chips, many (if not most) others are LE'd but capped, waiting to get their MC5s before they think, weather rightfully or not they have any chance of doing well in PVP.

    Thirdly, anyone but an actual new player have the same working FEW pvp setups, and yes they are known to even most noobs down to the con setup. Namely a dissy/AK spy or CS tank. A few others are used purelt for novelty as it stands.

    Lastly, and this is the most serious point im trying to make. To have this game alive we need it to cater for as many play-styles as possible from tradeskillers to LE hunters to self-proclaimed gods of PVP. Telling people off for maybe giving up on a game, that is still dominated by many "cleverly uses of game mechanisms" and just bad mechanisms, is not the right idea. We should try and get them back. The volunteer dev team has a pretty decent START.

    ps. If you want a harsh world, just log out and try chatting up a girl when you DONT have the looks of Brad Pitt (for instance). That's why we all have an escape. Mine is NC i guess, among a few others.

    pps. Just for your information, i look better than Brad Pitt =P

    Let hc PE's gun all 4x4 vechicle guns without drugs (make HC/melee PE's viable).
    Fix some chips (e.g moveon and marine).
    Put the noob stealth back to 10 sec (or give pe's another 10 sec stealth).
    Make more sense into the negatives on chips (they mostly don't make sense).
    Give PE's a better heal (e.g tl30ish)

  3. #63
    Registered User
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    I think you misunderstand me, probably because I wasn't very clear. I'm calling the game harsh in comparison to many other MMO's that have come and gone. There is a bit of a not very noob friendly learning curve to NC that not many games have. Admittedly it has gotten easier over the years, but I'm not sure if that's experience that we gained over the years, or modifications in game mechanics.

    With regard to PvP, I understand that end game PvP is affected. But clearly not everyone is at end game yet, which isn't a bad thing. I remember enjoying the non end game PvP exceedingly more than the latter, which is representative of my play style. MC5's were never a requirement for me to have a good time, though I have to grant, that's important to some.

    I understand you want those players back, as do I, but NeoCrack has always done a good job of luring vets back. The question is, what will it be like when they "check in". I do agree that having access to the characters they have known and cared for over the years would help, but I can't justify in my mind the necessity for access to the end game gear on a new server. Initially I was a little put off by it when I "checked in" but then I rolled a char, played for a bit and remembered what I loved about the game, in its unexploited state. Not everyone is going to have that experience, but I would say a few will.

    P.S Girls have never been my problem. 4 kids later...

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  4. #64
    The REAL Walker
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaRKWuRM View Post
    With regard to PvP, I understand that end game PvP is affected. But clearly not everyone is at end game yet, which isn't a bad thing. I remember enjoying the non end game PvP exceedingly more than the latter, which is representative of my play style.
    Most people play for opfights tbh. That or duels. And both of those are endgame, and need MC5s (for dex based characters).
    Quote Originally Posted by DaRKWuRM View Post
    MC5's were never a requirement for me to have a good time
    So either you havent PvP'd since before 2.2 release, or you play a tank/monk.
    John Gotti
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  5. #65
    Bend Over, Touch Your Toes Load's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dropout View Post
    So either you havent PvP'd since before 2.2 release, or you play a tank/monk.
    Spies can be played perfectly fine without MC5 chips - obviously theyll be lacking more RC but still doesnt make them less viable

  6. #66
    Bitter Old Fart Dribble Joy's Avatar
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    Just use the lvl 3 RC/PC imp. Almost the same benefits and it's not like most spies need the extra dex.

  7. #67
    Neocron Senior PsiCorps's Avatar
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    I think having more than one server would create a divide which we don't need.
    Either allow naked transfers to Titan - or destroy all living memory of our old chars.

    I wouldn't want my gear back - as a most of it was gained through fair play, but to be honest there were a lot of shady dealings and exploits which nobody really cared about back on Saturn.

    I'm enjoying a fresh start.
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    Brute Force - HC Tank - City Admin

  8. #68

  9. #69


    I don't see any announcements, so I'm not sure it's on purpose, but all of my characters and stuff seem to be intact, so, woo hoo.

  10. #70


    Terra is officially back online. Please be aware Terra and Mars are still located in Canada, for more information regarding the up keep of Terra and Mars please refer to the information provided in the September 17th Service Update.

    As Terra is back online and this topic has drifted somewhat, thread closed.
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