I think if our goal is to make Neocron big again we need to also clear up some world spam. Right now global chat is help. The GMs, Devs, and Players use this and its fine. But I think since people do speak German or English and a few both languages but most the time the German chat speaks to the German chat and the English to the English. I think it be great to create 2 global chat channels to split that up.
For me I can't speak German and I'm like one them puppies. I see the chat scroll and I'm like opened eyed, tail wagging, all excited and then I read it and then its like awwww, Sad sad puppy can't understand the chat!
Also, I think you should consider adding a config option that saves the last used channel. This way when we crash, relog, etc we don't have to always go back to custom and set the channel back.
Just my 2 cents anyways