1. #1
    NC For Free!
    Join Date
    August 2002
    Quebec, Canada

    Default Player Shops? Was this ever added or was there any code left?

    Sorry I have not been around for ages but if I recalled one the big ideas that I thought that was on its way and I could be wrong but was apt based shops? I don't know the details besides that but I thought it was a wonderful idea. Either way if it happens I hope it happens without the use of a auction house and all that crap. Basically you only know if the shops there if you actually go to it?

    PS: I do also like the idea of player player shops like they use to do in games like L2. Where the player afks and people buy from them directly.

    Just throwing thoughts and ideas.
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  2. #2
    Bluenose Jodo's Avatar
    Join Date
    January 2006
    The Blue half of Liverpool


    That was tossed around many many moons ago. As far as I remember, it's not possible for NC 2.

    Don't mention the war. I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it all right. - Basil Fawlty

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