1. #1
    Registered User thebee's Avatar
    Join Date
    November 2003
    Indiana, USA

    Default [CLOSED][T177] Inability to use PPU Spell as Spy

    As a Spy I tried to spec to use Crahn Spy Booster. i met the requirements PSI 15, PPU 53, and FCS 18. I had the glove on and when i equiped the spell and tried to switch to it it says 'You cannot use this item yet.'

    I tried reloggin. I tried lomming and reverse lomming the points back and nothing worked.

    I made a Monk with the same specs as the spy and the same issue.

    I tried on the Monk to put more points than needed in both FCS, PPU, and PSU nothing worked

  2. #2


    Sure it's not "Synaptic Impairment 0%" bug?
    If you value fapworthy graphics over fun and originality, NC is probably not what you want.

  3. #3
    Registered User thebee's Avatar
    Join Date
    November 2003
    Indiana, USA


    this may very well be related to that bug.

    i thought relogging would fix that, but it didnt. i was however able to use the spell after gainging SI and it wearing off

  4. #4


    This may be related to an issue with reverse loms. You have to do a full relog to fix it.

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