When in Neoconstruct using the 'Venture Warp' portal to Plaza1, almost instantly being kicked to login screen with red error text: WORLDCLIENT : Request for new world failed.

Full Error.log:
free memory: 1696 MB physical, 4095 MB virtual (48%)
File Check complete: 1169 files checked
@WFile not found scripts/lua/callahan.lua
@PWORLDHOST Connect to 1898847408, 12000
HostName : ######
HostIP : ######
HostIP : ######
WINSOCKMGR : Bind recv socket HostIP 0, Addr:1677830336, Port:6000
WINSOCKMGR : Bind send socket HostIP 0, Addr:1677830336, Port:6001
WINSOCKMGR : Bind recv socket HostIP 1, Addr:20490432, Port:6000
WINSOCKMGR : Bind send socket HostIP 1, Addr:20490432, Port:6001
Receive from 2
Receive from 2
Received 1
Received Bytes 7
VALID IP received 0
Good IP found 1677830336 0
Exception created WORLDCLIENT : Connection failed : WORLDCLIENT : Request for new world failed
When sync back in, I will be in P1, as if nothing had happened. I know others have mentioned on IRC also that this happens.