I always wanted to paint an Aggie... I've killed them so much, I feel terrible. Got back into Neocron so I'll be pulling out some more fan art. Especially Warbots and cop/storm bots going at it.

I always wanted to paint an Aggie... I've killed them so much, I feel terrible. Got back into Neocron so I'll be pulling out some more fan art. Especially Warbots and cop/storm bots going at it.
Terra - War of Seasons | Ukitakumuki | Dawn of War | Holotype | Silent Force | Gully
Titan - Spooge Demon | Goon Demon | Ressi Demon | Psi Demon
My Art Profile
Majestic_12 / Cold Steel Mercs / Phoenix LTD / P.I.M.P / Immune
my techs for trade
Nice work, how long did it work?
Jupiter Titan OZ-T, OutZone Traderz
-=[L-o-Z]=-, Light of Zion
Satan2k2Reckless <3
'Wallace' Family
OZ-T, OutZone Traderz
Eli Wallace - Rodney Wallace
That is truly excellent!
That is fantastic.
Neocron Support Team
N E O C R O N - G A M E . C O M
»I'm in a glass case of emotion!«
That is baddass
Nice... isn't his gun on the wrong arm? Maybe he's left handed!
you're a good artist mate my best is stick men.
If you're taking requests can you do a copbot next please?
-= Fallen Angels - Titan =-
| Smiler - Researcher | Mr Sandman - Constructor/Recycler | Lemmiwinks - Hacknet |
| Haxxor - Droner | Zmiler - HC Tank |
Thanks guys I appreciate all the comments. I will be painting a copbot next. Got some refs of them. Will start on it later today.
Terra - War of Seasons | Ukitakumuki | Dawn of War | Holotype | Silent Force | Gully
Titan - Spooge Demon | Goon Demon | Ressi Demon | Psi Demon
My Art Profile
Couldn't help myself to paint another quick aggie.
Last edited by carbonkink; 10-10-12 at 21:11.
Terra - War of Seasons | Ukitakumuki | Dawn of War | Holotype | Silent Force | Gully
Titan - Spooge Demon | Goon Demon | Ressi Demon | Psi Demon
My Art Profile
You got skills and talent! you capture their Zombie'esk apathy so well
Ths is amazing, keep up the good work, you could make a nice canvas print from the images - hang them above your gaming computer