1. #241


    Quote Originally Posted by MadMeleeFreak
    There actually is a pretty short list of things that really need to be achieved by NC:R to get it to work in descending priority:

    • Sort out the Cheats/Hacks/Exploits
    • Sort out the Netcode
    • Return to NC1's faction system
    Do some people just not understand that porting Neocron to a new engine means that the current netcode and hacks are irrelevant?
    Also, isn't the current faction system about the same as NC1?

  2. #242


    Quote Originally Posted by flib
    Do some people just not understand that porting Neocron to a new engine means that the current netcode and hacks are irrelevant?
    If so that's a great thing. The biggest problems would be solved in that case. Still that doesn't make my point less valid. Those are the biggest problems NC has as of now. Anything else is tweaking details that some people like to be changed, just as much people like to keep the way they are and the majority doesn't care if stays as is or get's changed.

    Quote Originally Posted by flib
    Also, isn't the current faction system about the same as NC1?
    Nope we still have that faction system deviding everything into two alliances, by artificially forcing factions like for instance CM or the crime syndicates (BS, TS) into one of both sides while story wise it would make a lot more sense they would not get involved into the conflict or they'd try to play both sides.

    The only thing that was changed was that the DoY factions (apartment-wise) were relocated back to NC again with the 2.2 update.

  3. #243


    Quote Originally Posted by MadMeleeFreak
    Luckily you are free to do so in NC. There's a whole lot of energy weapons to choose from. And all of them are viable. It's not like the AK 47 is a guaranteed kill and thus you shall not use any other weapon.
    I'd use a Dissy over an AK47 anyday It's more of a question of aiming style rather than damage outpit as both weapons do good damage.

  4. #244


    Quote Originally Posted by MadMeleeFreak
    The only thing that was changed was that the DoY factions (apartment-wise) were relocated back to NC again with the 2.2 update.
    Thats not true, the NC-DoY constellation got loosened up a bit with the re-integration of the former DoY Factions into Neocron City.

    Next and FA are closer again and so on while Tangent and Biotech are Enemies now, among other changes. (If i remember correct...)

    €dit: How come that THN doesn't feature a faction constellation chart?
    Last edited by Drachenpaladin; 11-03-12 at 18:55.
    If you want to fix the game, start with the most essential part: The Community...
    Quote Originally Posted by Danae
    <&Danae> i don't like anything that's furry, totally dependant on me, and shits and pisses in sneaky places
    <&Danae> i have kids, i don't need pets ^^

  5. #245


    Quote Originally Posted by Drachenpaladin
    €dit: How come that THN doesn't feature a faction constellation chart?
    We do http://wiki.techhaven.org/Faction

    I'm not 100% sure if it's accurate as of the current patch version though.

    Also, fantastic news regarding Neocron Reloaded. I hope Kirk and the gang had a productive GDC and have secured some funding to make it a reality.

  6. #246


    Quote Originally Posted by Biglines
    This is a fallacy, the point of a niche game like neocron is that it serves a particular interest much better than most other games. Most people that want to play neocron are not interested in "accessible" games like WoW or LoL. While I have no problem with making the game more usable and understandable, cutting out core aspects to please "more" people, will also make the game less attractive for a lot of other people.
    True, but that's not really what i meant. If certain core aspects of the game are theoretically good, but once applied to the game end up not being used (or causing more frustration then satisfaction) then i think it needs revision.

    The example of the SI - if a feature of the game forces you to stop playing for a few minutes, how is that a good thing? And seriously, i think SI is unique to Neocron and i want it in-game, but it's obviously flawed and in need of revision.

    Anther example is the maze that is Industrial Area (although not a core aspect). It's typical Neocron, decayed, mysterious and well... industrial, but it's still a mess and it would benefit from being simplified.

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMeleeFreak
    Please don't get me wrong. The following isn't meant as a "you're a noob anyways" bash, since I don't know for sure.

    Looking at your forum join date suggests that you didn't play NC when it was at it's best. If you started playing at that time you sadly started when things were bad already population wise. A lot of good players and clans had long left the game and most of them left because they disliked the more "streamlined" faction system (leaving us in fact with just two sides to choose from), the massive netcode problems and the growing problem of cheats, hacks, exploits and bugs.

    Actually the number of people going because they found the game to be a gankfest or not beginner friendly allways was considerably small in absolute numbers and in relation to those leaving for aforemenioned reasons. Of course when there's just 40 people left playing 4 or 5 leaving has a bigger impact than when the servers are packed with 400+ people running around. And a load of people starting every day. Same goes for gankers: When there's only 40 people left a handfull of cheaters/hackers/gankers has a really HUGE impact. But deducing a gameplay problem from it is far fetched.

    If there is a problem with NC's Gameplay then it's the fact that it is highly dependant on the number of active players on a server. Below about 150 people online things simply start to collapse. But this is a problem all MMOs that I'd consider good MMOs share, which are those that to a big extend encourage in some parts even force you to team up with other players. MMO's shouldn't be designed towards loners, thus I wouldn't change the Gameplay even though it doesn't work out with low pops.

    And even if making the Gameplay more loner friendly (and most suggestions you and other's made to protect people from being shot at ultimately are only needed if you plan to be playing alone) would bring in more players the only one winning from it is the developer/publisher as he gets more money. But what's the benefit for other player's/Clans if half the population simply does things on their own and just for their own good? All we get is more people occupying level spots and maybe some more victims for "ganking".

    There actually is a pretty short list of things that really need to be achieved by NC:R to get it to work in descending priority:
    • Sort out the Cheats/Hacks/Exploits
    • Sort out the Netcode
    • Return to NC1's faction system
    Anything else is object to discussion but honestly doesn't matter much anymore if those three points are completed. You can allways argue about details of the balancing. But balancing in MMOs never is a finished job. If anything at all I've learned that one in the past ten years of playing MMOs. Also Balance allways is among the top three discussion topics (the other two being cheaters and gankers) but most times it's not even among the top ten reasons of people to leave.
    Well, i still enjoyed NC with servers peaking at 100% sometimes, and it was cool. I've got 4 capped characters, 3 with WoC+ and i'm currently going on a 2nd account. Not a pro, but not a noob as well.

    I agree with the priority list, it's clear those are the worst offenders. But with today's network speed and computing power and dev-friendly engines, i think it's an easy fix.

    Faction wise i only have experience with the current 2 sided version and i've come to love the system as is. If it was better and NC:R can use that, then Nukklear should definitely go for it.

  7. #247


    Quote Originally Posted by Jaeon
    The example of the SI - if a feature of the game forces you to stop playing for a few minutes, how is that a good thing? And seriously, i think SI is unique to Neocron and i want it in-game, but it's obviously flawed and in need of revision.

    Anther example is the maze that is Industrial Area (although not a core aspect). It's typical Neocron, decayed, mysterious and well... industrial, but it's still a mess and it would benefit from being simplified.
    It doesn't necessary stop you from playing the game, it just limits your actions a bit. A typical penalty for dying and cost for convenience.

    And about the OZ or what i think you call maze: No, here simplifying would be bad i think. If its too confusing you need to improve your sense of direction
    Also there is the NAV-System if you are hopelessly lost. News can use this and the more often they visit it the more they will get used to it.
    If you want to fix the game, start with the most essential part: The Community...
    Quote Originally Posted by Danae
    <&Danae> i don't like anything that's furry, totally dependant on me, and shits and pisses in sneaky places
    <&Danae> i have kids, i don't need pets ^^

  8. #248
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
    Join Date
    November 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Volca
    No, I was talking about AK. I'm OK with ballistic weapons. I would have prefered ballistic weapons that don't come from 20th century.
    There are shotguns and 9mm pistols in game too. Plenty of them. If something works then why try to change it. Knives have been around for donkeys years (thousands of years in fact) and axes too. We also have swords in Neocron. Do you want to get rid of those too?

    Lets be fair here. Weapons are almost as old as mankind itself. Without a variety of weapons NC would be boring. I am all for keeping the weapons personally and adding lots of new ones if they can just find a sensible way of balancing them.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  9. #249


    Quote Originally Posted by Jaeon
    The example of the SI - if a feature of the game forces you to stop playing for a few minutes, how is that a good thing? And seriously, i think SI is unique to Neocron and i want it in-game, but it's obviously flawed and in need of revision.
    Like Drachen said, it doesn't stop you from playing the game, it just makes sure there is a big penalty to dieing. If SI wouldn't stop you from fighting, people would just gr back into the same zone, making teamwork almost pointless, making opfights pointless, making killing pointless, making the game pointless
    ingame names: Biglines (dissy spy), Mr Tool (low tech tank), Engineer Tool (constructor), Medical Tool (ppu/hacker/poker), Father Tool (apu)

  10. #250


    Quote Originally Posted by Jaeon
    Anther example is the maze that is Industrial Area (although not a core aspect). It's typical Neocron, decayed, mysterious and well... industrial, but it's still a mess and it would benefit from being simplified.
    NOOOOO... this is the whole bloody point of an immersive world, the fact that you can walk around discovering things noone else has discovered, or where getting from point A to B is actually an accomplishment. The biggest reason games get boring is because nowadays games are made so you have to invest no intelligence whatsoever in your "adventuring".
    ingame names: Biglines (dissy spy), Mr Tool (low tech tank), Engineer Tool (constructor), Medical Tool (ppu/hacker/poker), Father Tool (apu)

  11. #251


    There are shotguns and 9mm pistols in game too. Plenty of them. If something works then why try to change it. Knives have been around for donkeys years (thousands of years in fact) and axes too. We also have swords in Neocron. Do you want to get rid of those too?
    You're right. I don't want to remove these weapon but for example a simple sword must be less powerful than a lightsaber.

    Lets be fair here. Weapons are almost as old as mankind itself. Without a variety of weapons NC would be boring. I am all for keeping the weapons personally and adding lots of new ones if they can just find a sensible way of balancing them.
    I agree.

  12. #252


    Quote Originally Posted by Volca
    You're right. I don't want to remove these weapon but for example a simple sword must be less powerful than a lightsaber.
    I just don't see why.
    If you want to fix the game, start with the most essential part: The Community...
    Quote Originally Posted by Danae
    <&Danae> i don't like anything that's furry, totally dependant on me, and shits and pisses in sneaky places
    <&Danae> i have kids, i don't need pets ^^

  13. #253


    open your eyes

  14. #254
    Bitter Old Fart Dribble Joy's Avatar
    Join Date
    March 2003
    NF, getting pwned.


    CM is actually more neutral than in NC1. Back then we were allied to only city factions (all the corporations basically, but not CA). Our only hostiles were BD and TG. Then we went to a highly neutral system were we neutral to just about everyone. Now we have one enemy and one ally on each 'side'.

    Why would a sword be better than a light saber? Well what if it's a crap light saber?

    If a light saber is good, does that suddenly stop swords from being able to cut people's faces off?

  15. #255


    Quote Originally Posted by Biglines
    NOOOOO... this is the whole bloody point of an immersive world, the fact that you can walk around discovering things noone else has discovered, or where getting from point A to B is actually an accomplishment. The biggest reason games get boring is because nowadays games are made so you have to invest no intelligence whatsoever in your "adventuring".
    Ok, i don't consider things to be that black or white, but i have to admit most games today have been "dumbed down". I remember the old games where defeating a boss was hardcore difficult and usually ended in broken console controllers . Nowadays even on "Nightmare" or "uber" difficulty only takes a couple of tries.

    Still, i believe there's a difference between simple and well designed. Systems can be intricate without being confusing. It takes a good level designer to do that. One that uses subtle reference points, good synaletics, and environment interaction.

    Also, all my points along this thread have been made towards a money making game that appeals to both the current fans but also opens up room to new players. Maybe it's impossible to do so, but looking to the bigger picture i'd say that if NC makes it's makers money, they can keep on improving and adding content.

    Otherwise you can have this really special game that is so tailored to a niche audience that it can't support itself because there simply aren't enough paying customers to inject money into it.

    Surely you understand this and perhaps you'll see where i'm trying to get at. It's not about making NC equal to other dumbed down games. It's about making it in a way that appeals to a broader paying audience, so we, the fans, can keep playing it and getting new content, support and ultimately enjoyment.

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