1. #46


    If you havent been opfighting I really dont see how you can possibly have anything to add to this conversation. To you pre 2.2 opfighters, the game has changed a lot. You show up with a slasher PE or a executioner youll get laughed at, the game has changed and youve lost touch. Forumcron guys, why dont you actually opfight and then comment? As it stands your comments are only taking up space and I personally dont care what forumwhores have to say when it comes to opfights, especially if their last opfight was in 2.1 or if they think that a judge PE is a viable opfight setup.

    The evidence is in the video, interpret it however you want however ultimately it doesnt matter because there are no GMs.

  2. #47
    giggidi giggidi gooo Ghostface_Speak's Avatar
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    June 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by CrushOr
    As it stands your comments are only taking up space and I personally dont care what forumwhores have to say when it comes to opfights
    Ok guys,all stop posting.Internet-Masterrace 3rd reich guy has told you so
    Inspector Mittens

  3. #48


    the respected person being powerpunsh, who as he says knows nothing of the current situation. However, he was not being accused of cheating, just of knowing nothing of the current situation.

    that said, most of the "casual" cheaters in soad honestly believe that everyone else cheats, and somehow feel that this entitles them to cheat as well. Ivan Eres was right in that this is one of the most stupid pieces of reasoning, but let's face it, the majority of soad just want to win fights at all costs, and saying "but they're doing it too!" just gives them an excuse.
    ingame names: Biglines (dissy spy), Mr Tool (low tech tank), Engineer Tool (constructor), Medical Tool (ppu/hacker/poker), Father Tool (apu)

  4. #49


    thats a misunderstanding then. i don't want to disrespect ppl., accept destany :P

    but i can't stand it, if people write stuff here that is out of the blue. i like facts from the game. and not some maybe this, maybe that stuff.
    Wusch... der leise Wind des Schicksals

  5. #50
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    November 2005


    Not sure who you're referring to here Crush0r but I have had a handful of op fights against SOAD recently me old cocker and honestly, none of em scare me.

    I haven't noticed anyone cheating either for that matter. I am not saying they don't do it but in the heat of the moment I find it difficult to tell who I am taking damage from.

    Sure the beauty of Fraps is you can rewind clips and view them again and analyse them to death. I agree with that wholeheartedly but when the shit flinging comes to the forums and people start with "he said, she said" arguments it detracts from logical facts and becomes more school yard banter.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  6. #51


    what facts are you talking about? cheating in soad is not something that is under discussion... they fully admit to doing it.

    Whether or not that apu was cheating, is something that could possibly be debated. though I've never seen someone who played against that apu doubt it.

    and yes, it is true that hardly anyone in soad is any good (no international "veterans" in soad, just apparently mars "legends"), although they occasionally have decent players online, which is mostly the reason why they so easily allow their members to cheat, they honestly believe that anyone better than them is cheating. Hell, one of the highest ranking officers in soad told the story about how some of their members were actually using cheats the wrong way, making them actually LESS effective in a fight..

    but I think a large portion of this is that apparently the resists and setups are completely different on the german server, so these soad players who still skill like they used to on mars, see people with terra optimized setups do incredible things.

    cheating in soad is not something that's doubted, it is established fact, corroberated by people all the way up to and including the leader and his officers. They don't do it all the time, but they feel justified to do it.
    ingame names: Biglines (dissy spy), Mr Tool (low tech tank), Engineer Tool (constructor), Medical Tool (ppu/hacker/poker), Father Tool (apu)

  7. #52
    Banned User gamefreak's Avatar
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    behind you


    Biggie, there still are/were (very) good and very clean players in soad, but recently the cheats spread like an epidemic and I think some players left due to that. And I don't think setups work differently on Terra, there're just some original Terra dudes who cheat like pros, of whom you might not think it.
    Sonder f.e. (I know he s no original Terra player) maintained the image of a cheater pursuer for quite a while, and shortly after he was banned he uploded howto cheat videos on youtube. (And there are more vids of ppl recording themselfs cheating if you search)

  8. #53
    Huckle Beare' Doc Holliday's Avatar
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    LOL at the different optimisation for mars comment. thats made me laugh.

    No comments on the op scene or the cheating scene but just a piece to add on soad in general. I have seen some very old names of chars in that clan and cant say for sure whether they are the original players or they are account shares now or they got passed on to others but some of them are very well known to me from a long way back. they are/were old old players who were shit back then and probably shit now.

    jini played for 8 years night and day and hes still shit. It makes me wonder how you cannot get even slightly better at a game playing it for that long. i know i never had that issue.
    Quote Originally Posted by aKe`cj View Post
    Something is wrong.
    Where are the people asking for free candy or Double-XP ?

  9. #54


    I never played on mars, so can't comment on validity. But a lot of the germans were very adament that resists work differently on mars.
    ingame names: Biglines (dissy spy), Mr Tool (low tech tank), Engineer Tool (constructor), Medical Tool (ppu/hacker/poker), Father Tool (apu)

  10. #55


    A lot of them (germans) also use sandwhiches. I wouldnt trust their knowledge of the game farther than I could throw one (which isnt very far)

    I see no reason why the resists would be different, nevertheless. Everyone uses cookie cutter setups here as far as offence goes. Which means that most setups on the defense have something in common.

    Will, Ide like to see how you do against torrez, cowd or basically any of the soad tanks. They start tagging you with dev from pretty far away and if you are a spy you are dead in like 4 shots. That means that if you have to pull a weapon out you already have at least 2 stacks before you even begin to fire. Its not about it being scary or about being impressed. Its about game mechanics which are meant to restrict the player (weapon range + crosshair spread + runspeed/resist tradeoff/economics) Not applying to them but still applying to you.

    That plus their ridiculously high damage and their overly high resists coupled with their absurd runspeed.

    You might not notice the cheating because you think if a monk hits you for 500 with a fire apoc its normal, or if you are on the roof of simmons and a tank hits you with dev from the ground floor while running at full tilt thats normal too. You lack perspective just like whatever GMs we have left, if any.

    This is what I mean about forum-queens being out of touch with the game - you cant actually comprehend fighting someone like that until youve actually done it.

    In the time Ive been playing the sandwhiches havent changed, only the people who use them - on occasion and how they use them. A few years ago people actually tried not to get seen with sandwhiches if they used them. "Maybe my damage is a bit too high, I should tone it down".. "I run so fast its blatantly obvious, maybe I should tone it down".

    Now its just like "lol 450 hc lololool" and people dont care who sees them and openly admit to using sandwhiches because they dont care and they KNOW that the GMs care even LESS than anyone else.

    The most important thing however is that BF3 is coming out in like a week so the only ones left here will be the sandwhich users - and everyone knows sandwhich users hate fighting each other which is why we've never seen an even distribution of them in the entire op scene ever.

  11. #56
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    Sorry to get personal but Torrez is terrible. I've fought him on my spy and dropped him 1v1 a few times with his buffs etc.

    I have seen him run from fights plenty too. I dont cheat and I dont rate his setup or his resists either quite honestly. I cant say I have ever seen any cheating behaviour either and yes I have fought against him a few times in recent weeks.

    As Doc rightly said, quite a few of those guys are old players from years ago and have never been good.

    Whether they cheat or not is not really a problem to me. I take it as a compliment but I am really not sure what the point of this thread is now?
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  12. #57


    nothing but to show all people how destany is cheating on his apu. everybody knows that allready.
    Wusch... der leise Wind des Schicksals

  13. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by William Antrim
    Sorry to get personal but Torrez is terrible. I've fought him on my spy and dropped him 1v1 a few times with his buffs etc.

    I have seen him run from fights plenty too. I dont cheat and I dont rate his setup or his resists either quite honestly. I cant say I have ever seen any cheating behaviour either and yes I have fought against him a few times in recent weeks.

    As Doc rightly said, quite a few of those guys are old players from years ago and have never been good.

    Whether they cheat or not is not really a problem to me. I take it as a compliment but I am really not sure what the point of this thread is now?
    Ive also seen entire op teams shooting at him with the most overpowered weapons in the game and the damage ticks are only in the double digits.

    So from what we can draw from this is that anecdotal evidence is at best entertaining but mostly pointless, especially when it comes from those who cant interpret it.

    We can also infer that torrez is a shared account because otherwise the math simply doesnt support your story.

    Who is your spy and what clan have you been Opping with?
    I only ask because the sandwiches is a problem for everyone but you...It would be interesting to see this from your perspective seeing how its so different from everyone elses.

  14. #59
    deals legshoots Powerpunsh's Avatar
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    Meaning that i dunno whats going on in opfights atm means not that i have no idea whats going on with fighting in general.

    I said reasons for my doubts and you made them clear. Thats all.
    Keiner lacht ohne Hoder!

    Envy is the highest form of recognition

  15. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by Powerpunsh
    Please check your damagelog
    Fore sure and just the info. Hes a WoC APU and can get his Fireapoc to about 1000 spelldmg which deals around 500dmg pure dmg on ur character due to its given efficiency (around 50%).

    500dmg - shields - armor - skills. The result looks fine.

    Thanks for your attention
    Dr. Watson aka Powerpunsh.

    What you said here made it seem like you had no idea how the game worked.

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