1. #361
    I am a Mechanical Engineer.
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    Quote Originally Posted by William Antrim
    damned if you do, damned if you dont.
    Errr, no. We just want some effing answers for once instead of another delay.

  2. #362


    Thanks for the reply, Kirk. Look forward to hearing your answers, especially if you are having to prepare them and make plans.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrDomino
    What should we be grateful for? He promised answers and a month or two later he just pops in to say that it's probably going to be another month or two. He didn't give us shit.

    I honestly cannot understand how you guys cannot fathom why some of us are pissed off; like Kirk's lack of communication is completely acceptable.

    Because we are too busy to get pissed off at the CEO of a GAME that we aren't even paying for.

    I have bigger crap to worry about than this, he will answer my questions when he is ready. If he doesn't, oh well. Nothing I can do about.

    Lets see, what would I rather do today:

    > Go have have a period on Neocron forums over a dead game
    > Make some money

    Yeah, hard choice.

  3. #363


    Quote Originally Posted by MrDomino
    What should we be grateful for? He promised answers and a month or two later he just pops in to say that it's probably going to be another month or two. He didn't give us shit.

    I honestly cannot understand how you guys cannot fathom why some of us are pissed off; like Kirk's lack of communication is completely acceptable.
    Please, just go away. If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all anymore. If a video game makes you this angry then just leave. You can always play the offline tutorial if you want a perfect world you know.

    Like CoreInsanity said, I'm sure you have better things to do than have your period on an internet message board over a guy who lives in a completely different country and is currently dealing with the launch of their ass saving project (and what will more than likely help fund Neocron 3) among other things and still has the decency to at least acknowledge our existence.

    If I were Kirk, I'd be planning the shut down of the Neocron servers and message boards after seeing how bad the community has become and how bad we are treating him personally.

    I'd like to take a moment and say thank you Kirk for finding time to at least give us a heads up as to what is going on. Thank you for keeping Neocron servers up and running. Thank you for not abandoning us completely and letting Neocron just shut down.

    Seriously guys, if I were a moderator here or even Kirk himself I'd be throwing the questions away after the way you guys have been treating him.

    Give the man some time okay? When you step in to run a company that is dragging its nose on the ground and know what its like to be in his shoes, THEN start giving him grief for the choices he makes.

    tl;dr - You don't know what you're talking about. Go play Sim City.

    (Dear Sim City players, I love Sim City, and that was in no way a bash on Sim City <3)

  4. #364
    Huckle Beare' Doc Holliday's Avatar
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    Sydney, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by MrTrip
    Please, just go away. If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all anymore. If a video game makes you this angry then just leave. You can always play the offline tutorial if you want a perfect world you know.

    Like CoreInsanity said, I'm sure you have better things to do than have your period on an internet message board over a guy who lives in a completely different country and is currently dealing with the launch of their ass saving project (and what will more than likely help fund Neocron 3) among other things and still has the decency to at least acknowledge our existence.

    If I were Kirk, I'd be planning the shut down of the Neocron servers and message boards after seeing how bad the community has become and how bad we are treating him personally.

    I'd like to take a moment and say thank you Kirk for finding time to at least give us a heads up as to what is going on. Thank you for keeping Neocron servers up and running. Thank you for not abandoning us completely and letting Neocron just shut down.

    Seriously guys, if I were a moderator here or even Kirk himself I'd be throwing the questions away after the way you guys have been treating him.

    Give the man some time okay? When you step in to run a company that is dragging its nose on the ground and know what its like to be in his shoes, THEN start giving him grief for the choices he makes.

    tl;dr - You don't know what you're talking about. Go play Sim City.

    (Dear Sim City players, I love Sim City, and that was in no way a bash on Sim City <3)
    the only part of this post i disagree with is the last part. it should be go play the sims. sim city is indeed excellent.

    as for the rest. you nailed it mrtrip.

    Someone needs to get a holy hand grenade and chuck it at all the angry nerds to blow them up and then we will have a nice clean polite discussion about what is, can and will be done to save this/start nc3.

    Echoing the sentiments of previous posters thanks for coming to write something here Kirk.

    One more thing to the community. Stop and consider this. Aside from all the responsibilities he has as CEO of the company did you ever consider the fact that every single post, every last letter almost is analysed and analysed and over analysed again by this community like its some kind of lab rat dissection. Thats the voractiy (i think thats the right word. Passion i guess works too) of this community to do that because we want nc to succeed but its also the reason we dont get fed constant streams of info.

    As William said. Damned if you do, damned if you dont.

    think about that the next time you hit the submit reply button.
    Quote Originally Posted by aKe`cj View Post
    Something is wrong.
    Where are the people asking for free candy or Double-XP ?

  5. #365


    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Holliday
    One more thing to the community. Stop and consider this. Aside from all the responsibilities he has as CEO of the company did you ever consider the fact that every single post, every last letter almost is analysed and analysed and over analysed again by this community like its some kind of lab rat dissection. Thats the voractiy (i think thats the right word. Passion i guess works too) of this community to do that because we want nc to succeed but its also the reason we dont get fed constant streams of info.

    As William said. Damned if you do, damned if you dont.

    think about that the next time you hit the submit reply button.
    Holy shit, duuuude.

  6. #366
    Tech Haven Network Brammers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrDomino
    What should we be grateful for? He promised answers and a month or two later he just pops in to say that it's probably going to be another month or two. He didn't give us shit.

    I honestly cannot understand how you guys cannot fathom why some of us are pissed off; like Kirk's lack of communication is completely acceptable.
    I'm not pissed off. In fact, I'm happy Kirk is trying to sort something out, and he is trying his best to communicate.

    If you read Kirk's latest reply, he's obviously not looking to just reply to the questions. He's also looking to give estimates. Some of the questions are tough, and I don't imagine the solution to them will be easy, he needs to find the resources to address the issues as well as answer the questions.

    Now please go and take ten steps back from your keyboard.

  7. #367
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    Id rather hear nothing for a month or two and then get some proper good quality information than keep getting small posts that say nothing.

    As for the "cannot fathom" comment..... I can fathom the anger. I see it with my own two eyes. I work in a highly stressful environment, my job can be very demanding and very tiring at times and it can directly affect peoples lives. If I make a mistake in something then someone could lose their life quite easily.

    I come here for relaxation. That is why I play pc games, neocron more specifically. To switch off from the world. This is not winding me up, if anything I find Neocron to be cathartic.

    I am well passed getting pissed off with the game or the community. I have had one day where the game pissed me off and I just logged off. Its easier than letting it get to you.

    The thing is all the people who are getting irate have had things spelled out to them a million times in this thread alone, we are not paying for the game and the servers are still running. That in itself deserves a little praise.

    The fact is we still have this game even though only a handful of us still play it. That is something to be celebrated not berated.

    Anyone who thinks otherwise should be shot for disagreeing.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  8. #368
    freedom for neocron! Torg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk Lenke
    I am not lying. If I would start to explain now why ... well I simply cannot...

    Take care
    There are two ways to look at it:

    1. Kirk is in fact lying to us, hoping to keep this small community hostage, for later re-use.
    conclusion: we are going to play this game without any further amendments until the servers are shut down, some time in the future

    2. Kirk is in no way lying to us, he actually cant talk openly, and there are reasons for it. putting logic to use, those reasons are of major importance, in other words there is business development going on. we can take it as a matter of fact that KK doesnt have money enough to start all over for a Neocron 3 (under any name) without some investor. be it a distributor (ea, vu, zynga... *shudder) or some venture capital shark, we can be sure about one thing: kirk is in talks. right now. theres a 10 million euros minimum at stake for any MMO, and we wish him the best of luck.
    conclusion: we are going to play this game without any further amendments until the servers are shut down, some time in the future. and there will be another KK MMO, wasteland-style.

    my money is on the latter.

  9. #369


    A teensy tiny bit more GM activity would be nice. At least during peak hours. There is still a severe amount of sandwiches being eaten in areas like plaza 2.

    A guy will run out with either a ton of sandwiches or one huge sandwich and everone else there has to put up with him and his sandwiches until he leave. If a GM actually saw someone eating a sandwich and do something about it hopefully it would at least spook the rest of the sandwich eaters for a few days.

  10. #370
    Registered User eNTi's Avatar
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    oh my... the apologist fan boys crawl out of their holes. ever imagined, that it's not the game that pisses us off, but a person that constantly makes promises only to break them?

  11. #371


    Hey, so I heard that we finally got a response that we have all be waiting for, answers to all our questions and a in-game footage trailer of NC3... LOLJK!! Kirke just came down into the basement where he's been keeping us, his *dirty little secret* from the world, with some more lube ready for next time.

    Love the attention we get, it's inspirational.

  12. #372
    Registered User Ashley003's Avatar
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    Guys just leave Kirk and Reakktor alone, whatever mistakes they've made in the past with Neocron, leave 'em in the past and move on, if you can't then just gtfo and don't play the bloody game.

  13. #373


    I haven't posted much recently because my beef is with Kirk and KK, not the rest of u guys.

    However... now we start flaming eachother and making two different groups with pitchforks, the ones who believe kirk/kk are incompetent and the other group that somehow still believes they have our best interests at heart.

    While it is probably clear which group I belong to, I have no desire to start a flamewar with other community members who aren't as jaded, pessimistic and sarcastic as I have become on here.

    I don't believe Kirk has our best interests at heart, but that opinion is based only on how I perceive events.

    Let's all just chill out, leave the people who want to get anger off their chests to that, but let's not keep bashing someone for their opinion. The only person who can show whether it is justified or not is Kirk, and until he actually fulfills his promise for once, there is no reason for us to start bashing eachothers' heads in over who's right or wrong.

    As far as I'm concerned, just state what you think about the way kk treated us, or if you have a more sunny disposition, by all means show how you think KK is a wonderful company.

    But please stop bashing other people's opinions. They are just as valid as yours, since they are all just that OPINIONS. We have to wait and hope for a reply, whether we think it's gonna be our deliverance or more bullshit.
    ingame names: Biglines (dissy spy), Mr Tool (low tech tank), Engineer Tool (constructor), Medical Tool (ppu/hacker/poker), Father Tool (apu)

  14. #374
    Registered User Ashley003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biglines
    I haven't posted much recently because my beef is with Kirk and KK, not the rest of u guys.

    However... now we start flaming eachother and making two different groups with pitchforks, the ones who believe kirk/kk are incompetent and the other group that somehow still believes they have our best interests at heart.

    While it is probably clear which group I belong to, I have no desire to start a flamewar with other community members who aren't as jaded, pessimistic and sarcastic as I have become on here.

    I don't believe Kirk has our best interests at heart, but that opinion is based only on how I perceive events.

    Let's all just chill out, leave the people who want to get anger off their chests to that, but let's not keep bashing someone for their opinion. The only person who can show whether it is justified or not is Kirk, and until he actually fulfills his promise for once, there is no reason for us to start bashing eachothers' heads in over who's right or wrong.

    As far as I'm concerned, just state what you think about the way kk treated us, or if you have a more sunny disposition, by all means show how you think KK is a wonderful company.

    But please stop bashing other people's opinions. They are just as valid as yours, since they are all just that OPINIONS. We have to wait and hope for a reply, whether we think it's gonna be our deliverance or more bullshit.
    I agree that we should all just accept each others opinions, but some people need to state their opinions in a less insulting manner, if you hate KK, then fine, hate KK but there's no need to personally insult the ceo of Reakktor.
    Last edited by Ashley003; 09-10-11 at 22:55.

  15. #375


    Quote Originally Posted by Ashley003
    I agree that we should all just accept each others opinions, but some people need to state their opinions in a less insulting manner, if you hate KK, then fine, hate KK but there's no need to personally insult the ceo of Reakktor.
    I'm not saying my opinion of him is correct or even remotely plausible. But if you make a point of shushing your other employees, and only allowing communication through one person, my opinion is that it's pretty normal for that one person to actually be blamed for bad communication.

    My Observations:
    - there's one person in KK allowed to communicate with us, Kirk.
    - The communication by KK is abysmal, everyone can agree on that.

    My personal conclusion from those two observations: The only person we can honestly direct anger at for bad communication is the only one that actually is responsible for that lack of communication.

    That said, he's the only one that can prove me wrong, so don't worry about replying to me, I'm going away from this discussion again for while.

    And yes, I do sincerely hope I am wrong. I really really really do.
    ingame names: Biglines (dissy spy), Mr Tool (low tech tank), Engineer Tool (constructor), Medical Tool (ppu/hacker/poker), Father Tool (apu)

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